[00:00.938]【Jacob Bronowski】 [00:07.363]Man is a singular creature; [00:12.178]He has a set of gifts which make him unique among the animals [00:17.641]So that unlike them, he is not a figure in the landscape [00:24.255]He is the shaper of the landscape [00:26.971]【Alice Roberts】 [00:27.214]We are all children of Africa [00:32.328]They say this is where it all began [00:37.365]【Bronowski】 [00:37.957]In a parched African landscape [00:40.488]Man first put his foot to the ground [00:47.760]【Roberts】 [00:48.584]Africa was our only home [00:51.055]for tens of thousands of years [00:54.143]until a small handful of people made their way [00:57.721]out of Africa [00:59.264]【Carolyn Porco】 [00:59.484]These beings with soaring imagination [01:04.255]Eventually flung themselves and their machines [01:08.070]Into interplanetary space [01:10.781]These beings with soaring imagination [01:14.855]Eventually flung themselves and their machines [01:18.615]Into interplanetary space [01:24.996]【Roberts】 [01:25.472]We are all children of africa [01:30.426]This landscape has been home to humans [01:33.548]Two hundred thousand years [01:35.625]【Porco】 [01:35.869]We have come so far [01:38.002]All of this is cause for great celebration [01:41.424]We have come so far [01:43.362]This is a story about us [01:45.241]【Roberts】 [01:46.379]Those early Europeans [01:49.126]Were people like you and me [01:51.843]But it is humbling [01:54.384]When you see the challenges they faced [01:57.414]People like you and me [02:00.059]Overcame the Neaderthals [02:02.776]People like you and me [02:05.290]Made it through the ice age [02:07.227]【Carolyn Porco】 [02:07.633]These beings with soaring imagination [02:13.076]Eventually flung themselves and their machines [02:16.708]Into interplanetary space [02:22.552]【Jane Goodall】 [02:22.843]We are not the only beings [02:25.440]With personalities, minds, and feelings [02:28.385]Chimpanzees have very clear personalities [02:33.641]【Robert Sapolsky】 [02:33.884]Take a chimp brain fetally [02:36.773]And let it go two or three more rounds of division [02:40.071]And out comes symphonies and ideology [02:44.394]【Neil deGrasse Tyson】 [02:44.657]Everything that we are [02:46.971]That distinguishes us from chimps [02:49.800]Emerges from that one percent [02:52.644]Difference in DNA [02:53.579]【Roberts】 [02:55.025]People like you and me [02:58.057]Overcame the Neaderthals [03:00.657]People like you and me [03:03.220]Made it through the ice age [03:05.186]【Carolyn Porco】 [03:05.546]These beings with soaring imagination [03:10.721]Eventually flung themselves and their machines [03:14.678]Into interplanetary space [03:17.744]These beings with soaring imagination [03:21.702]Eventually flung themselves and their machines [03:25.437]Into interplanetary space [03:29.334]【David Attenborough】 [03:30.182]Using his burgeoning intelligence, [03:32.502]This most successful of all mammals [03:35.237]Has exploited the environment to produce food [03:38.626]For an ever increasing population. [03:40.703]Instead of controlling the environment [03:43.544]For the benefit of the population [03:45.865]Perhaps it's time we controlled the population [03:49.230]To allow the survival of the environment [03:52.230] [03:53.230] [03:54.230] [03:55.230] [03:56.230] [03:57.230] [03:58.230] [03:58.430] [03:58.630] [03:59.230]