[00:00.30]次は恵比寿、恵比寿 [00:03.46]お出口は右側です [00:06.57]埼京線 [00:08.24]湘南新宿ライン [00:10.01]地下鉄日比谷線は [00:11.43]お乗り換えです [00:14.00]The next station is Ebis [00:16.90]The doors on the right side will open [00:19.62]Please change here for the Saikyo Line [00:22.49]the Shonan Shinjuku Line [00:24.33]and the Hibiya Subway Line [00:29.09]次は渋谷、渋谷 [00:32.32]お出口は左側です [00:33.41]東急東横線 [00:37.63]東急田園都市線 [00:39.53]京王井の頭線 [00:41.32]地下鉄銀座線 [00:43.34]地下鉄半蔵門線は [00:45.33]お乗り換えです [00:47.32]電車どホームの間に空いているところがありますのて [00:50.56]足元にご注意ください [00:53.15]The next station is Shibuya [00:56.12]The doors on the left side will open [00:59.17]Please change here for the Tokyu Toyoko Line [01:02.67]the Tokyu Den-en-toshi Line [01:05.06]the Keio Inokashira Line [01:07.19]the Ginza Subway Line [01:09.07]and the Hanzomon Subway Line [01:11.90]Please watch your step when you leave the train