till death do us apart, and it did come sudden like clouds, and it hid my sun, my truth heavier than imagined, a lid die-cast in lead on our lives we nourished and the days we cherished as kids we let them whizz on by, but when I rewind your smile is the only thing that comes to mind your smile is the only thing that shines now I hit this stage in honor of you, how's the other side, I bet it's a splendid view no more stress for rent, or to make ends collide in a cocktail, shame with envy I can hide behind lens that block the UV looking in from the outside the bowl is murky the toll for the bridge is rising weatherman says storm, city hall is burning same ol' chaos, gotta shut my cell like I'm waiting to take off on the runway, scoping out the window the moisture covers the sight though telling myself it's just another day in the life of a starving artist trying to paint a dream you woke from, chasing the departed we used to hang by the banks to see who can skip a stone the farthest what I thought was a stream is now an ocean no such thing as an extreme to show devotion to your craft, which I didn't know the half tried to knock down your door and caught the backdraft and a whiplash, all in reverse then I finally stood up and said, we reserve the right to serve anyone and on the same note you deserve the best of the most fun by the way I got your letter, you said you were fed up well I second that and I reckon that you tried so I don't place a blame that you took the fifth, and the first flight out of town, into the mist till death do us apart and it did come sudden like clouds and it hid my sun, your truth heavier than imagined, a lid die-cast in lead on our lives we nourished and the days we cherished as kids we let 'em whizz on by, but when I rewind your smile is the only thing that comes to mind your smile is the only thing that shines your smile is the only thing that comes to mind your smile is the only thing that shines whether a tree lives to see the end of centuries or a random hand picks it instantly life is art, a miracle for all to believe, I must tell you that you lived beautifully