Burn up the crime and throught. Burn up the past of hatred. 制裁は過ちを引きずる未来 Burn up the crime and throught. Burn up the past of hatred. 幻聴が鳴り響く砂漠のシンドローム Burn up the crime and throught. Burn up the past of hatered. 壊滅を煽りだす異端児ども Burn up the crime and throught. Burn up the past of hatred. 洗礼に狂い咲く醜い仮面の使者 パンドラの箱の中うごめく亡者の叫び 揺らめいて手招きを誘う様 Shade in the fire. Shade in dusty mirror. Shade in the fire. Shade in dusty mirror. マカームの調べにはウードの音鳴り響く 目の前は灰色の陰りだけ Shade in the fire. Shade in dusty mirror. Shade in the fire. Shade in dusty mirror. Shade in the fire. Shade in dusty mirror. Shade in the fire. Shade in dusty mirror.