朝もやがいつもと違う 街の素顔を映し出してる 私達もいっしょ…。 一晩中愛し合って 今日も2人がこの世で 笑ったり 見つめたり 寄りそえることを 鏡ごし見つめ合って そんなことを楽しんでる 君という女性が現れてくれたから [04:14.57 [04:20.37 [04:26.55 [04:28.58 [04:32.30 空回りしてほどけなくなっていた 赤い糸を絹のような肌ざわりの手で ほぐしてくれた 君はまだまどろんでる [04:50.09 [04:55.13 この心地よさとかやきもちとかの感覚を かみしめて少しでもうた詩(うた)にしたい [05:01.39 [05:07.32 [05:13.05 [05:19.14 first i didn't realize heard this voice before you said your name I was surprised it's been such a long time how long has it been since then? many things have changed from then have much to say excited I might be late you haven't changed at all the way you dress your kindness you're still the same that winter night you put your jacket on me and you led me step by step thru the door the moments just still the same soft and smooth your warm caress a little bit tipsy bringing back happiness on your face every thing fades that memory will stay with me [06:20.42 [06:26.42