ガゼット - Hyena Ugly acting and song 踊りが下手なHandsome Your copulation is dirtier than money. Unprincipled strategist 乱用middle aged spread ブラウン管の隅で天狗気分さ Please disappear because it is an eyesore You were born from the mouth? 節穴に売る媚びしか無い Your copulation is dirtier than money. Unprincipled strategist 乱用middle aged spread 半狂乱な餓鬼はびしょ濡れさ Please disappear because it is an eyesore It fails together if going straight. Curtain of wine red 識別出来ぬ 流されるまま 踊る夢 左右に倣う 歪 Masquerade 飾れば靡く愛に 溺れる今の君に 群がるのは一瞬の共鳴 温室崩れのPrince 後頭部にシャンデリア 廃れたその日 共鳴はHyena You were born from the mouth? 節穴に売る媚びしか無い Your copulation is dirtier than money. Unprincipled strategist 乱用middle aged spread 半狂乱な餓鬼はびしょ濡れさ Please disappear because it is an eyesore It fails together if going straight. 君の顔に咲いた声は 理想重ね飼い殺すよ 安易な「永久」は使い回しの夢 何色の涙で 何色の言葉で 塗り潰せばその顔でいられる? 見え過ぎた痕跡 与え過ぎた嘘に 自惚れたまま朽ちてくよ ほら 飾れば靡く愛に 溺れる今の君に 群がるのは一瞬の共鳴 温室崩れのPrince 後頭部にシャンデリア 廃れたその日 共鳴はHyena おわり