作曲 : 平井堅 作词 : 平井堅 gaining through losing めぐりくる 季節(きせつ)ことに この手(て)から こぼれ落(お)ちるもの 立(た)ち止(と)まり ふり返(かえ)れば 寂(さび)しげに 僕(ぼく)を見(み)てる いつも いつでも 誇れるものをひとつ 信(しん)じてきた日々(ひび) 出(で)会(あ)いと別(わか)れを繰(く)り返(かえ)し 歩(ある)いてきた道(みち)を かけがえのないものと思(おも)う 今(いま)の自分(じぶん)ならば がむしゃらな情熱さえ 懐(なつ)かしく思(おも)う日(ひ)が来(き)ても 静(しず)かなる 強(つよ)さ秘(ひ)めた ともしびを ?(かが)げていよう 自由(じゆう)愛情(あいじょう) 手放(てばな)したとき 初(はじ)めて その意味(いみ)を知(し)る 痛(いた)みとよろこび分(わ)かち合(あ)い ??(きつがつか)めた人(ひと)の かさることない言葉(ことば)の?(つむ) 今(いま)も胸(むね)に抱(だ)いて 雨雲(あめくも)切(き)れて 光(ヒカル)が射(さ)す 大地(だいち)が歌(うた)いはじめる We've been gaining one good thing through losing another I'm so proud to be with you my love Now you know the meaning of SUNSHINE AFTER RAIN Let me tell you LIFE IS GOOD my friend We've been gaining one good thing through losing another I'm so proud to be with you my love Now you know the meaning of SUNSHINE AFTER RAIN Let me tell you LIFE IS GOOD my friend We've been gaining one good thing through losing another I'm so proud to be with you my love Now you know the meaning of SUNSHINE AFTER RAIN Let me tell you LIFE IS GOOD my friend We've been gaining one good thing through losing another I'm so proud to be with you my love Now you know the meaning of SUNSHINE AFTER RAIN Let me tell you LIFE IS GOOD my friend We've been gaining one good thing through losing another I'm so proud to be with you my love Now you know the meaning of SUNSHINE AFTER RAIN Let me tell you LIFE IS GOOD my friend