Between men, between horses there is mistrust and fear And it's only got deeper with the passing of years We know this from paintings we know this from books Some men had real magic while others just took There were gypsies and showmen, and charlatan shamans There were men who could softly whisper the devils away John Solomon Rary tamed a horse of the Queen Laid it down on the ground Then he laid down beside it and put his head on it's hooves You can imagine the scene For secrets uttered softly into pricked and troubled ears These men were known as whisperers These men were known as whisperers An Indian charm bought for the price of a meal Was the secret of Sullivan that died with him for real? We know this from paintings we know this from books Some men had real magic while others just talked For secrets uttered softly to soothe all troubled fears These men were known as whisperers These men were known as whisperers For secrets uttered softly to soothe all troubled fears These men were known as whisperers For secrets uttered softly into pricked and troubled ears These men were known as whisperers These men were known as whisperers