[00:00.00] 欢迎您 [00:10.00]5566 - It's our party time [00:32.51]现在让我王仁甫来告诉你们 [00:38.01]一个可怕小仔的传奇故事 [00:40.32]他十八岁就打遍天下无敌手  [00:42.83]处心积虑要做演艺圈的奇迹 [00:45.45]你可以叫他DJ 叫他冯爱森 [00:48.02]但是千万不要叫他米其林 [00:50.83]ladys & gentlemen [00:52.64]let me show you Jason Hsu [00:59.13]Hey yo! this is Jason speaking [01:35.14]这个男人天生丽质难自弃  [01:37.08]不管上山下海他都行 [01:38.83]他是亚洲第一 胸肌背肌还有六块肌  [01:43.45]你要说他不壮吗 [01:44.77]You're Wrong 地球上最强的男人 [01:47.45]Your turn Sam Wang [01:55.02]天底下没有他做不到的事情  [02:11.27]他的行踪来去总是个谜 [02:13.20]西街英雄外加球场上的MVP  [02:15.08]游亚鱼 你在哪里 [02:16.96]看到全场观众都在等你  [02:18.71]现在让我们全场一起热烈欢迎 [02:20.64]5566精神领袖 Tony Sun [02:31.46]鬼灵精怪他最让人伤脑筋  [02:41.21]不按牌理出牌更是他的本性 [02:43.14]但是说学逗唱他却样样都行  [02:44.96]不得不佩服这个人的本领 [02:46.89]哇赛 现在轮到压轴好戏  [02:48.70]全部人睁大你们的眼睛 [02:50.70]5566最终武器 Zax Wang [02:57.14]Let's go! Everybody dance now [03:12.77]Put your hands up in the air [03:14.90]We will take you high tonight [03:16.77]It's our party time [03:18.52]Everybody lose control [03:20.89]Free your mind and try to fly [03:22.83]Let me be your only one [03:24.83]It's our paradise [03:26.08]Everybody dance now [03:28.77]Put your hands up in the air [03:30.84]We will take you high tonight [03:32.77]It's our party time [03:34.64]Everybody lose control [03:36.83]Free your mind and try to fly [03:38.83]Let me be your only one [03:40.71]It's our paradise