Back when I can barely remember I was tuning in every night Your mother wouldn't like it was happening Mixing up a soup so right, it was alright Next day there was I believing That I could ride the airwaves too Heaven knows what I was thinking Didn't matter what I tried to do So tell me what i wanna know What did I do to make it so? 'Cause I know you never gonna play this on the radio Record company got me a plugger A charming man in every way So I paid him lots of money to tell me It's been a tough week, what can I say Were you killed by video? 'Cause I can't get you on the phone So I know you're never gonna get this on the radio People come to watch the show 'Cause my aim is straight and true Twenty years I've made a living at this No thanks to you and the TV too! Fuck You.... I know I never went to art school I was never in the NME I got no chance of sleeping with Kate Moss What the hell is wrong with me? Who did I forget to blow? Should I go on a reality show? Maybe then you'd vote for me 'Cause I can't get on the BBC The playlist was my Grail of gold I tried and failed to sell my soul So I know you're never gonna hear this playing on the radio Ain't gonna hear it playing on the radio ...