Go Tell It On The Mountain Hallelujah! 哈里路亚! Go tell it on the mountain 到山顶上去说 Over the hills and everywhere 声音越过山野传遍四方 Go tell it on the mountain 到山顶上去说 Jesus Christ is born 耶稣基督降生 Down the lonely manger 在偏僻的马槽 The humble Christ was born 卑微的基督诞生 And God sent salvation 这是上帝送来的救赎 That blessed Christmas morn 保佑圣诞之晨 (repeat chorus) While shepherds kept their watch 牧者的眼神 O'er silent flocks by night 巡视夜色中的羊群 Behold throughout the heavens 神圣的光芒 There shown a holy light 穿越整个天堂 (repeat chorus and 1st verse) (repeat chorus)