The Story of the Little Prince He’s known as the Little Prince, You might know him too, But if you don’t then let me tell you Pause Although he travels from planet to planet, Not knowing where he is headed Or who he will meet on the way he always has a clear vision Chorus 1: of who he is and where he has been An endless appetite for wandering Through Places you and I have only dreamed of Pause His friends are little goats and talking roses Mini Pause He even plays with snakes and foxes Mini Pause He always asks many questions Mini Pause Never relenting unless you answer Pause Somehow everyone seems to want him Mini Pause Not knowing why but simply trusting Chorus 2: Who he is and where he has been His endless appetite for wandering Places you and I have only ever dreamed of If you still haven’t met him Then maybe you’re too concerned about the consequences Next time just let him in You can only grow to love him Next time just let him in You can only grow to love him