This is the end! This is all that there is, There is no right or wrong, No king, no throne to defend. 'Cause we are all that exists. No blessing God, No judge or law There's no cost or calls from the top. We're all on our own! We're on our own! No church exists in this world that we live No beacons, no prophet This is it We are the only ones left. No preachers, no new born believers, Your faith is in jest What if we're wrong? What if we're not alone? What if we're lost? We missed the whole point of it all? What if I'm wrong? What if we're not all alone? What if our peace can never be felt on our own? I saw God die! I saw God die! We're on our own! Well if all that remains is our avaricious wit, Then an eye for an eye is the only law that can exist. So don't use your romance to soften defeat, And trophies of war to boast of your feat, You've failed and you've failed Because your body is weak, And you'll never be as strong as you dream to achieve. What if we're wrong? What if we're not all alone? What if we're lost? And we missed the whole point of it all? I saw God die! I saw God die! I saw God die! I saw God die!