[00:33.76]Bar brawls cheap thrills photos [00:37.56]Updates on a screen [00:42.12]Streams of consciousness in a submarine [00:49.38]Yellow-bellied monkeys [00:53.42]Objects placed somewhere [00:57.34]Vincent’s price is not so high so it seems [01:05.33]Zen-like inside, outside go blind [01:09.35]Make this go away [01:13.21]Chinese smiles a snail sprints miles [01:16.91]To make his getaway [01:21.13]Yoko says she loves me [01:41.88]She mends my cups and plates [01:45.91]Sigmund spies as mermaids fall out of space [01:54.01]Reading dictionaries backwards [01:57.90]Describing the letter ‘A’ [02:01.80]And everything you learnt it was so passé [02:09.92]Zen-like inside, outside go blind [02:13.79]Make this go away [02:17.64]Chinese smiles a snail sprints miles [02:21.54]To make his getaway [03:05.11]