sun draw rooster craw lifting sleep knee lay low they won't go rusty are the weeds care high to get by wind is short in change won't grow moving slow dust falls at your feet feelin' restless cause i know the way almost helpless wish you'd never say (wish you'd never say) see-saw split the draw shake way all the greed go broke will it show just make another plea find time move on by ? stand low hear the tow must be a reprieve come back to me this time twice the age you're so guilty wish you'd rest your case (wish you'd rest your case) hannah, no hannah, no i know what you'll say the choice is yours rest is assured trust will keep it safe (keep it safe) trust will keep it safe mean time my oh my need a summer breeze see so watch it grow changing made with ease steel claw hem and haw clear on the quandry (?) you save big throw just let it go tears of joy relieved was i jealous? can't you feel my shame just as helpless no you met the same (no you met the same) no you met the same (no you met the same)