Spiral down the path Of least resistance Down a chute to a bed of nails That becomes a trampoline Bouncing lost souls Emperor Ludwig is with us From extreme to extreme So is Doctor TTechnicolor stairs and spires Fantasia trips and wires5,000 happy fingers Ready to play our song Vortex recedes All I hear and see Echoes of my face and fears In a chamber of one way mirrors Voices from the drain Whisper like machines Now that you're in our dimension You'll never leave To leash and harvest thee Ahh, treasure gleams Down, down to Bermuda Triangle Sink, sink 10,000 feet below Time to finally meet the zookeepers We let swallow us whole MothsLight any flame They fly right in Deep in Chinatown In New York CityDrop a coin into a cage Chickens dance on a hot plate Hot foot round & round Til the wheel runs down That's you as we view Through our ceiling of glass KneelAl Jolson style Please, please Can I get a raise Crawl, crawl through the steaming jungle Please, please more purple kool aid Tabloid beauty corpses point the way We're not in Kansas any more