[00:00.39]中文词:R1SE周震南/R1SE刘也/R1SE赵磊 [00:00.77]Rap:R1SE周震南/R1SE焉栩嘉/R1SE姚琛 [00:01.76]原词:Urban Cla6ix (Park Junsu, Jung yeonhun) [00:02.30]曲:Urban Cla6ix (Park Junsu, Jung yeonhun) [00:02.79]编曲:Urban Cla6ix (Park Junsu, Jung yeonhun)/闫实/姚云 [00:11.76]合: [00:11.85]Oh I will be there [00:17.15]Oh I will be there [00:20.58]周震南: [00:22.59]我还是一如既往追求遥远梦想 [00:25.34]也还是用尽全力兑现模糊愿望 [00:27.91]何洛洛: [00:28.05]会害怕灯灭之后靠什么去照亮 [00:30.61]也一直在眺望那看不见的远方 [00:33.28]焉栩嘉: [00:33.41]一个人站在街道边注视摇曳的灯火 [00:36.13]学着变得更加坚强面对未知的结果 [00:38.83]夏之光: [00:38.99]有个声音不断在耳边鼓励我 [00:41.42]但我只记得梦里隐约的轮廓 [00:43.97]翟潇闻: [00:44.12]梦见你 想起你 在意你 [00:46.12]靠近我的人是谁 [00:48.52]刘也: [00:49.45]遇见你 抱紧你 [00:50.76]错过你我该如何去面对 Oh [00:54.44]刘也: [00:54.72]曾经的每分每刻 [00:57.32]翟潇闻: [00:57.51]都使你和我走到这转折 [01:01.79]赵磊: [01:02.04]现在我只想对你说 [01:04.74]合: [01:05.12]Oh I will be there [01:07.73]Oh I will be there [01:10.40]Oh I will be there [01:13.07]Oh oh I will be there [01:15.79]Oh I will be there [01:18.40]Oh I will be there [01:21.06]Oh I will be there [01:23.73]Oh oh I will be there [01:26.51]姚琛: [01:26.73]Twinkle 不只是星星闪的信号 [01:29.42]也意味了是我们相见时的心跳 [01:31.76]张颜齐: [01:32.12]声声呐喊 让我变得更大胆 [01:34.39]You and I together 用爱把世界给充满 [01:37.34]任豪: [01:37.54]感谢 花朵 此刻 盛开 盛开 [01:40.14]飞鸟 不停 歌唱 mi re mi re [01:42.57]赵让: [01:42.79]如果说梦的开始都是因为我们 [01:45.57]那么就让我们一起让它成真 [01:48.04]周震南/焉栩嘉/姚琛/张颜齐/任豪: [01:48.25]梦见你 想起你 在意你 [01:50.04]分秒都变得珍贵 [01:52.40]何洛洛/夏之光/翟潇闻/刘也/赵让: [01:53.45]遇见你 抱紧你 拥有你 [01:55.43]光再暗也敢去追 oh [01:58.48]赵磊: [01:58.79]未来都无法预测 [02:01.41]你我会陪彼此一起度过 [02:05.93]请永远记住这承诺 [02:08.75]合: [02:09.10]Oh I will be there [02:11.75]Oh I will be there [02:14.42]Oh I will be there [02:17.03]Oh oh I will be there [02:19.76]Oh I will be there [02:22.40]Oh I will be there [02:25.07]Oh I will be there [02:27.70]Oh oh I will be there [02:30.68]周震南: [02:31.41]只想停留在这瞬间 [02:33.97]夏之光/张颜齐/任豪: [02:35.41]我会永远永远永远永远记住你的脸 [02:39.41]焉栩嘉/姚琛: [02:40.12]时(十)间再变迁 [02:41.97]何洛洛/赵让: [02:42.88]而(二)我们不会改变 [02:46.00]翟潇闻/刘也/赵磊: [02:46.81]无论要走多远会一直在身边 [02:55.11]合: [02:57.16]Oh I will be there [02:59.78]Oh I will be there [03:02.44]Oh I will be there [03:05.07]Oh oh I will be there [03:07.76]Oh I will be there [03:10.44]Oh I will be there [03:13.09]Oh I will be there [03:15.76]Oh oh I will be there [03:20.76] [03:21.57]OP:MAICN,CO,LTD [03:21.78]SP:百代音乐版权代理(北京)有限公司/索雅音乐版权代理(北京)有限公司 [03:21.94]版权协力:大力音乐Tough Music [03:22.18]制作人:姚云/倪毅 [03:22.33]监唱:董智玥/姚云 [03:22.57]和声编写:姚云 [03:22.61]和声演唱:R1SE周震南/R1SE刘也/R1SE赵磊 [03:22.75]录音师:王驰宇 [03:22.89]录音室:心乐唐文化T.K.Studio [03:23.00]混音母带:周天澈@Studio21A [03:23.17]首席运营:哇唧唧哇娱乐(天津)有限公司 [03:24.22]制作公司:哇唧唧哇娱乐(天津)有限公司