作词 : 小歪yang 作曲 : 小歪yang stand up to hear the sound of the breaking bones 站起身的时候我听到了骨骼破碎的声音 stand up to hear the sound of the breaking bones 站起身的时候我听到了骨骼碎裂的声音 I'm a mess now 现在我很混乱 I'm a mess now 一团糟 bearing anyhow 无论如何还是承受着 better shut your mouth 安静地闭上嘴 have the takeout while I'm on my bed 在床上吃外卖 pillow on the south 枕头在南 gorgeous anyhow 无论如何还是绚丽的 we still live it up 我们这么过着 tattoo the ache and the pain in your heart (cover it up) 把疼痛纹在心上 遮住它 bearing anyhow 无论如何还是承受着 but my inner part is rotten now 谁知道内里已经腐朽了呢 gorgeous anyhow 无论如何还是美丽的 but the viscus is decomposed (I'm discomposed) 即使内里都腐朽了 just to take a day to relax 在日常之余 out of my work life 给自己放个假吧 noboby knows it better than me that I'm more than alright 没人比我更清楚 我好的不得了 there's no prescription just wait it to subside 没有解决办法 只是等着一切平息 cuz all will subside 一切总会平息的 as the tide rush in 当潮水来临的时候 bring us demise 带来我们的消逝 behold 看啊 it's the blood orange sunrise 那是血橙色的日出 the meaninglessness of life 人生的无意义之处