作词 : Lionzed 作曲 : Lionzed 编曲:Jarek 录音师:郑晓桐  音频编辑:梁家银 混音师:梁家银 特别感谢各位老师 I want to write some songs but don know what to write anymore. 想做写歌却不知道该说什么了 I wanna just give up but I got hip hop blood in my core. 有想过放弃可我真的很爱说唱 I want to climb to the top haters want me to stay on the floor. 我想往上走可不喜欢我的人希望我待在底端 I guess I will make it with lyrics like one two three four. 那看来我要用最简单的歌词做到最棒 I want to write some songs but don know what to write anymore. 想做写歌却不知道该说什么了 I wanna just give up but I got hip hop blood in my core. 有想过放弃可我真的很爱说唱 I want to climb to the top haters want me to stay on the floor. 我想往上走可不喜欢我的人希望我待在底端 I guess I will make it with lyrics like one two three four. 那看来我要用最简单的歌词做到最棒 A year ago got this rap game, now I already got fame, for my sake not for God’s sake, I’m still searching for some way. 一年前开始写说唱,现在小有名气,我还在找寻我的道路 yeah, and you’re gonna hear my name, you’re gonna know my name you’re gonna pay the price and you’re gonna feel the flame, yeah even when I go away. 你会知道我的,你会记住我的,你会感受到我的作品的,就算有一天我真的要离开 2k18 I was a nobody, now I got too many eyes on me. 2018年我还无人知晓,现在收到了很多关注 Am I really good enough? 2k19 got a view I see . 我真的有那么厉害吗?2019让我的一切都变得不一样了 I’m still tryna play it cool, while try to fit the shoes I’m in. 想假装这一切都没什么,然后拼命达到粉丝的期望 Glad I still have my crew, my shield my sword my family. 还好我的团队还在,他们就是我的后盾,我的家人 I won’t let You take my pride away you know I was chosen by God to be the one. 我不会让你带走我的骄傲,这是上帝给我的 God saved my life I’m getting wisdom used to be a slave now I can be a son. 我活的也越来越聪明,现在身份也不一样 So all of you haters just stay away from me just look at everything that you have done. 所以不喜欢我的人离我远一点你们做的够多了 still far away from perfection but at least I’m doing everything that I can. 我还没那么完美但是我还在努力 Yeah I’m hanging w my crew, I’m bout to bring some money to my hood. 还在和我的朋友们一起做,我们会一起做起来的 Yeah I don’t need no school, I need more Bible and you do too. 我也不需要别人说教,但我需要更多上帝的知识 Yeah Holy Ghost got my name and I’m getting ahead in this game. 圣灵会帮助我的,我也会做的更好 Yeah, When one day I got all the fame, I‘ll let Jesus take it away. 等我真的有了太多名气,我都会交给耶稣 You wan know the answer, but I don’t have any. 你想知道的答案我也没有 So many gangstas, just bunch of pansies. 很多装狠的人,其实也都不太硬 If you wanna make fires, then don’t try to guess me. 你想做出好听的歌曲,就别学我的风格 I’m here still balling, just let my song speaks. 我还在慢慢做起来,听我的歌就完事儿了 I want to write some songs but don know what to write anymore. 想做写歌却不知道该说什么了 I wanna just give up but I got hip hop blood in my core. 有想过放弃可我真的很爱说唱 I want to climb to the top haters want me to stay on the floor. 我想往上走可不喜欢我的人希望我待在底端 I guess I will make it with lyrics like one two three four. 那看来我要用最简单的歌词做到最棒 I want to write some songs but don know what to write anymore. 想做写歌却不知道该说什么了 I wanna just give up but I got hip hop blood in my core. 有想过放弃可我真的很爱说唱 I want to climb to the top haters want me to stay on the floor. 我想往上走可不喜欢我的人希望我待在底端 I guess I will make it with lyrics like one two three four. 那看来我要用最简单的歌词做到最棒 我看着镜子 我看着我 今天终于到了我的18 我问自己 要什么结果 要退出是不是太迟啦 从一无所有到小有成绩 用了一年有点快 我还要多久还要多少练习才把心中的压力掩盖 我知道我自己在做的 有时候还是不够  我知道我这么大压力是因为还看的不透 我知道我初心才没有变过只是变得更优秀 我知道很多事情 我知道 我知道 我知道 我知道 可我还是想变得更加优秀才能够配得上你们的喜欢 我不知道以我现在的实力还能继续往后面闯几关 所以我拼命的学习拼命的进步我想要做到最好 只是这压力这关注对我来说可能也是来的太早 you know我不想让你们对我失望yeah 我也想满足你们心里的想象 实力和年岁一起在慢慢的增长 做纯粹的音乐一直会是我的梦想做纯粹的音乐一直 录音室:Tweak Tone Labs