I don't know what they mean to you These sad songs that you listen to I don't know where you find it, this emotion that they speak of and I don't know where you hide it but God knows you hide it well, perhaps you'd like to be a stranger or a lover or a hero or a madman or a dealer with a little time to kill You're trying hard to learn the tune And now and then it comes to you Reminds you there was something else that you aspired to Well there's someone for everyone, unless somebody got it wrong, Unless your someone came along And you just didn't see it or weren't ready to believe it or it didnt feel the same as when you listen to your songs You're trying hard to learn the tune And now and then it comes to you, reminds you there was something else that you aspired to You don't know where to find it, this emotion that they speak of and when you do you hide it and God knows you hide it well, perhaps you are a stranger or a lover or a hero and the someone that they speak of came along and couldn't tell. You're trying hard to learn the tune And now and then it comes to you, reminds you there was something else that you aspired to