作词 : Anaïs Mitchell 作曲 : Anaïs Mitchell [HERMES, spoken You wanna talk to her? [ORPHEUS, spoken Yes! [HERMES, spoken Go on Orpheus? [ORPHEUS, spoken Yes? [HERMES, spoken Don't come on too strong [ORPHEUS Come home with me? [EURYDICE Who are you? [ORPHEUS and Chorus The man who's gonna marry you I'm Orpheus [EURYDICE, spoken Is he always like this? [HERMES, spoken Yes [EURYDICE, spoken I'm Eurydice [ORPHEUS and Chorus Your name is like a melody [EURYDICE, spoken A singer, is that what you are? [ORPHEUS I also play the lyre… [EURYDICE, spoken Oh, a liar, AND a player too! I've met too many men like you [ORPHEUS Oh, no, I'm not like that [HERMES, spoken He's not like any man you've met Tell her what you're workin' on [ORPHEUS I'm workin' on a song… [ORPHEUS and WORKERS It isn't finished yet But when it's done and when I sing it Spring will come again [EURYDICE, spoken Come again? [ORPHEUS Spring will come [EURYDICE, spoken When? I haven't seen a spring or fall since… I can't recall [ORPHEUS That's what I'm workin' on [ORPHEUS and WORKERS A song to fix what's wrong Take what's broken, make it whole A song so beautiful It brings the world back into tune Back into time And all the flowers will bloom [ORPHEUS Will you become my wife? [EURYDICE, spoken Oh, he's crazy. Why would I become his wife? [HERMES, spoken Maybe because he'll make you feel alive [EURYDICE, spoken Alive? That's worth a lot What else ya got?