[00:00.00] 作词 : Veto [00:01.00] 作曲 : sHoE [00:02.06]Chose [00:06.06]I am a chosen man 我是他选中的人 [00:07.68]The fame from golden pen 荣誉来自创作歌词的笔 [00:09.39]Maintain the shooting range 保持射程范围 [00:11.12]Make pain with heavy rain 大雨也使人痛苦 [00:12.69]I am a chosen man 我是他选中的人 [00:14.16]The fame from golden pen 荣誉来自创作歌词的笔 [00:15.74]Maintain the shooting range 保持射程范围 [00:17.32]Make pain with heavy rain 大雨也使人痛苦 [00:18.98]Break it up Break it up Break it up Break it up 打破那些束缚 [00:20.64]Come to the different top 登上不同的顶峰 [00:22.11]Turn it up Turn it up Turn it up Turn it up 调足音量 [00:23.82]Give you the written word 看看我的词 [00:25.33]I don’t like to add more back up back up back up 我不想再加更多的back up了 [00:28.61]I don’t want to rap more Fxxk up Fxxk up Fxxk up 我也不想再说更多的离开 [00:31.77]I came back with my future 我带着我的未来回来了 [00:33.18]Cause made rap was nature 因为说唱是我的本性 [00:34.83]Never drew back my paper 从来不会收回我的言论 [00:36.45]Outlined the map for picture 勾勒版图 [00:38.01]Hey Rich Chxxga, do u want a cig? 七哥,你要来一根吗? [00:40.79]I’m on the hard way to pursue your “Yellow” idea 我正在很艰难地去追寻你的思想(“Yellow’’ from Brian) [00:44.27]At that time, I did it from bottom to the present 在那时,我从底部做到现在 [00:47.76]Read my mind, this sounds more like Jackson? 貌似看懂我?我的声音像Jackson? [00:50.94]Keep my rhyme, come into my flowin’ kingdom 保持我的韵脚,来到我的flow王国 [00:53.66]Be in the right, so broaden my meaningful horizon 永远站在对的那侧,拓宽我的视界 [00:57.36]No one understands you when you get stuck in mire 当你深陷泥潭,无人问津 [01:00.49]Only when you blow up, people guess your desire 只有当你爆红,人们才会臆测你的意愿 [01:03.58]But hip-hop taught me about people 但是嘻哈教会我看人 [01:05.37]If you want to be your hero, 如果你想成为你自己的英雄 [01:07.03]Put in the effort to Double 注入双倍的努力(双关:努力为了成为Double B--Bobby BI) [01:08.63]Thread the thread into the needle 将线穿进针里 [01:10.24]Hip-hop chose me 嘻哈选择了我 [01:13.31]Chose it Chose it Chose it 选择 [01:16.63]Hip-hop chose me 嘻哈选择了我 [01:19.79]Chose it Chose it Chose it 选择 [01:23.05]HIPHOP 嘻哈 [01:26.09]Hiphop never chose you but me 嘻哈从未选择你但是选择了我 [01:29.38]HIPHOP 嘻哈 [01:32.53]Hiphop never chose you but me 嘻哈从未选择你但是选择了我 [01:35.81]I’ve been walkin’ on the nice shore for a long time 我已经在岸边走了很久了 [01:39.18]I think I can jump without a lifeline 我应该可以不带工具跳入水里了 [01:42.30]I’ve been sittin’ on the shore for a long time 我已经在岸边坐了很久了 [01:45.63]I think I can jump without a lifeline 我应该可以不带工具跳入水里了 [01:48.55]It’s a wonderful return 这无疑会是一个精彩的回归 [01:49.73]Like a beautiful pearl from earth 就像地球上美丽的珍珠 [01:51.58]I’m really getting’ older 我的确在成长 [01:52.92]But it’s not goin’ to birth 但是他(haters)不会出生 [01:54.78]Are you kiddin’? NO 你在开玩笑吗?没有 [01:56.45]Are you laughin’? NO 你在笑吗?没有 [01:57.91]I’m shakin’ my body and killin’ your beauty 我正在摇晃身躯,扼杀美丽 [01:59.66]To happy and ready ending 为了最终的结局 [02:01.29]2pac told me be strong hold on 2pac告诉我要坚持住 [02:02.93]Hit em up but life goes on 抨击他们但是生活还在继续 [02:04.50]My first song was ‘‘When I’m Gone’’ 我第一首学会的歌曲叫‘‘When I’m Gone’’ [02:06.02]And the special song was “Space Bound’’ 最特殊的歌曲是“Space Bound’’ [02:07.70]I can prove that I’m not what I used to be 我可以证明我不再是从前那个我 [02:10.81]I just wanna say Fxxk to haters ,peace 我只想说“走!那些搞笑的人” [02:14.09]No one understands you when you get stuck in mire 当你深陷泥潭,无人问津 [02:17.31]Only when you blow up, people guess your desire 只有当你爆红,人们才会臆测你的意愿 [02:20.37]But hip-hop taught me about people 但是嘻哈教会我看人 [02:22.04]If you want to be your hero, 如果你想成为你自己的英雄 [02:23.65]Put in the effort to Double 注入双倍的努力(双关:努力为了成为Double B--Bobby BI) [02:25.23]Thread the thread into the needle 将线穿进针里 [02:27.04]Hip-hop chose me 嘻哈选择了我 [02:30.18]Chose it Chose it Chose it 选择 [02:33.47]Hip-hop chose me 嘻哈选择了我 [02:36.57]Chose it Chose it Chose it 选择 [02:39.80]HIPHOP 嘻哈 [02:43.01]Hiphop never chose you but me 嘻哈从未选择你但是选择了我 [02:46.24]HIPHOP 嘻哈 [02:49.38]Hiphop never chose you but me 嘻哈从未选择你但是选择了我 [02:52.64]Hip-hop chose me 嘻哈选择了我 [02:55.79]Chose it Chose it Chose it 选择 [02:59.00]Hip-hop chose me 嘻哈选择了我 [03:02.16]Chose it Chose it Chose it 选择 [03:04.11]