A manifest of his crucified hope Familiar sound, reflecting his own blood Haunting, yet intriguing No watcher, no lock, only the sweet voice 他所有的憧憬早已被钉死在十字架上 久别的嗓音突然重唤,从血脉深处徜徉 绕梁不绝,让他迷惘 没有监视的目光,没有枷锁的阻隔,只有甜蜜的呼唤 Daringly stepped out to see things clear Gone before he could see the face Left was urge to seek Drops of autumn fell on trembling leaves, Red from summer’s departure, weak from lack of light 勇敢迈步前行去将夙愿清算 在消逝之前重睹熟悉的面庞 这种强烈的欲望驱使他彷徨 秋之细雨落于在颤抖的朽叶 夏季离开前天际羸弱的彤云 在漆黯夜色中涣散 The leaves were torn and so was he, As he tried to follow her trace A winterly wind embraced his throat And tried its best to strangle What kept him going was what had left him It was what he couldn't keep 落叶支离破碎一如他的心脏 他一直试图追逐她的脚印 冽冬的寒风环绕他的喉咙 尽全力想扼住他的颈项 那驱使他继续前行的正是弃他而去的 他曾经没能留住的片段 Kept hunting ancient traces, following flickering lights This ghost was sculpted by his desire to say goodbye 循着古老的路途 追逐依稀的暮光 因愿而生的幽灵 诀别倾诉无声渴望 Clouds left the hollow sky, As it swallowed all its sorrow Nearly breathless, He grasped the nearest branch The voice reappeared, And now he felt sure that it was her, So he did his best To force his feet along 云层摈弃了空洞的天空 而后夜幕溺毙于惆怅 他几近窒息 握紧最近的枝桠 倏然间那个声音再度回响 现在他能确定,这正是她 于是他竭尽全力 驱使他的双足步向孤独 A scarlet dress in the wind Shadows on stumps of once mighty trees Spread rumours of her presence Looked into her eyes and took her hand 血红衣衫被徐风鼓胀 她美妙的身影被印在曾今葱郁的枝干 低语之风竞相传递她到场的消息 望进她的双眸,拾起她垂落的双手 This imagined warm touch was his relief Kneeling at her feet, ready for his sleep Had no longer wish to arise Put her arm around him, no more cries Slept there until the fierce cold awoke To erase all traces of life 这如梦似幻的温馨触动他早已在悲观中麻木的心灵 跪倒在她的膝下,预备着至此长眠 不再抱着能够再度清醒的希冀 她的双臂环绕着他,抚平最后的恸哭 就这样安睡着直到严冬被唤醒 抹去他生命的痕迹