Sons of the South arise! Rise in your matchless might. Your war cry echo to the skies, "God will defend the right." Let haughty tyrants know, Our sunny land shall be In spite of every foe, Home of the brave and free. Sons of the South arise! Rise in your matchless might. Your war cry echo to the skies, "God will defend the right." Our flag shall proudly stream, Defiant of assault. With bars of the rainbow's brightest beam And stars from the heaven's blue vault. Thousand of true and brave, Their hero lives may end. Over thousands that flag shall wave And thousands its foes defend. Sons of the South arise! Rise in your matchless might. Your war cry echo to the skies, "God will defend the right." No wrongs our breasts alarm No fears our hearts appall. Unswerving justice nerves our arms. We cannot conquered fall. Think on our noble sires. Immortal in renown. Think on our altar-fires. And strike the oppressor down. Sons of the South arise! Rise in your matchless might. Your war cry echo to the skies, "God will defend the right." With threats of horrors dire, The fierce invader comes, We scorn his boats, we scorn his ire Striking of hearths and homes. Strike for our mothers now For daughters, sisters, wives, Freely would each bestow, Were it ten thousand lives. Sons of the South arise! Rise in your matchless might. Your war cry echo to the skies, "God will defend the right."