[00:00.000] 作词 : 无 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 无 [00:04.698]猫科女生 [00:06.695]CAT GIRL [00:16.432] [00:16.931]今天的阳光多好晒一晒 [00:17.930]Today is nice to go out and get some sun [00:18.940]男朋友打电话约我一起看大海 [00:20.184]Boyfriend calls me to go watch the sea [00:22.185]可我不想出门只想懒懒在阳台 [00:23.932]But I want to stay indoor and only wanna to laze at the balcony [00:25.687]看那蝴蝶飞舞落在花上摆啊摆 [00:27.439]Watching the butterflies dance around the flowers [00:28.937]关掉电话电视今天再也不打开 [00:30.434]Today switch off phone and TV no longer open [00:31.932]所有偶像剧情还不是在秀恩爱 [00:32.931]All the idol plot are only show affectionate [00:34.939]零食统统撕开今天不去叫外卖 [00:36.936]Open up all titbits and don't call take out [00:38.192]也能吃的饱饱和我自己耍赖 [00:38.937]Will still have enough to eat and laze around [00:41.434]我就是很宅 [00:43.185]I am what I am [00:43.941]偶尔还会搞破坏 [00:45.693]Occasionally will destroy [00:46.192]但是我可爱 [00:46.936]But I am lovely [00:47.935]我就是难搞耍赖 [00:48.688]I am formidable and perverse [00:49.932]宠爱我不是个小乖乖 [00:50.439]Pamper me not because I am goody [00:51.184]会让你奇怪 [00:51.936]Will let you surprise [00:52.681]我的小脾气很坏 [00:53.691]My little bad temper [00:54.690]很坏 会让COCKY无奈 [00:56.932]So bad that makes cocky no way out [00:57.685]叫你声大明星别过来耍帅 [00:59.441]Call you big star not come and play cool [01:00.693]我家的大门今天不会打开 [01:02.190]I won’t open a party today [01:03.189]你快走开 [01:04.187]You get off quickly [01:06.441]猫科女猫步多么可爱 [01:07.440]Cat girl walk is so so so lovely [01:09.691]猫科女生就是爱耍赖 [01:11.189]Cat girl just like to play [01:13.442]你说过那些浪漫对白 [01:15.183]The romantic words you spoke [01:16.193]我装作没明白 [01:18.435]I pretend not to understand [01:18.935]你气急败坏 [01:19.933]Makes you mad [01:20.432]猫科女生多可爱 [01:21.685]Cat girl so lovely [01:22.683]不是你想约就约出来 [01:23.939]Not for you to date as when you want [01:25.437]就让你傻傻站在門外 [01:27.434]Just let you stand at the door stupidified [01:28.686]慢慢的等待 [01:29.442]Slowly waiting for time [01:57.435]我就是很宅 [01:58.687]I am what I am [02:00.185]偶尔还会搞破坏 [02:00.941]Occasionally will destroy [02:01.694]但是我可爱 [02:02.693]But I am lovely [02:03.192]我就是难搞耍赖 [02:04.191]I am formidable and perverse [02:04.935]宠爱我不是个小乖乖 [02:05.688]Pamper me not because I am goody [02:07.443]会让你奇怪 [02:08.185]Will let you surprise [02:09.195]我的小脾气很坏 [02:09.694]My little bad temper [02:10.938]很坏 会让COCKY无奈 [02:12.191]So bad that makes cocky no way out [02:13.945]叫你声大明星别过来耍帅 [02:15.685]Call you big star not come and play cool [02:17.195]我家的大门今天不会打开 [02:18.938]I won’t open a party today [02:19.693]你快走开 [02:21.189]You get off quickly [02:22.943]猫科女猫步多么可爱 [02:25.439]Cat girl walk is so so so lovely [02:26.691]猫科女生就是爱耍赖 [02:28.189]Cat girl just like to play [02:29.944]你说过那些浪漫对白 [02:31.197]The romantic words you spoke [02:32.440]我装作没明白 [02:33.938]I pretend not to understand [02:35.190]你气急败坏 [02:36.188]Makes you mad [02:36.945]猫科女生多可爱 [02:37.944]Cat girl so lovely [02:38.697]不是你想约就约出来 [02:39.696]Not for you to date as when you want [02:40.440]就让你傻傻站在門外 [02:44.446]Just let you stand at the door stupidified [02:45.687]慢慢的等待 [02:47.441]Slowly waiting for time [02:49.193]猫科女猫步多么可爱 [02:50.691]Cat girl walk is so so so lovely [02:51.946]猫科女生就是爱耍赖 [02:53.698]Cat girl just like to play [02:54.442]你说过那些浪漫对白 [02:55.697]The romantic words you spoke [02:58.191]我装作没明白 [02:59.689]I pretend not to understand [03:00.944]你气急败坏 [03:01.943]Makes you mad [03:02.696]猫科女生多可爱 [03:05.438]Cat girl so lovely [03:05.949]不是你想约就约出来 [03:07.188]Not for you to date as when you want [03:08.444]就让你傻傻站在門外 [03:09.701]Just let you stand at the door stupidified [03:10.940]慢慢的等待 [03:11.939]Slowly waiting for time [03:14.447] [03:14.689]作词:宋普照/朱星潼 [03:15.944]作曲:芮英杰 [03:16.698]编曲:关剑 [03:26.940]翻译:ATAZ