Jesus said here I stand 耶稣说过这是我应站立的地方 Won't you please let me in 你难道不该让我进来吗 And you said I will 你说过我会这样做 But tomorrow 仅仅在明天 Jesus said I am he 耶稣说过我就是他 Who supplies all your needs 谁向你提供你所需求的所有 And you said I know 你说过我会明白 But tomorrow 只是在明天 Tomorrow, 明天, I'll give my life 我会献出我的生命 Tommorow, 明天, I thought about today 我会思考今天 But, it's so much easier to say 但是,它是如此容易表达 Tomorrow, 明天, Who promised you, 谁曾向你许下承诺 Tomorrow, 明天, Better choose the lord today 最好在今天就选择上帝 For tomorrow very well might be today 因为明天很可能就是另一个今天 Jesus said here I stand 耶稣说过这是我应站立的地方 Won't you please take my hand 你难道不会牵过我的手 And you said I will 你说过我会这样做 But tomorrow 仅仅在明天 Jesus said I am he 耶稣说过我就是他 Who supplies all your needs 谁向你提供你所需求的所有 And you said I know 你说过我会明白 But tomorrow 只是在明天 明天, I'll give my life 我会献出我的生命 Tommorow, 明天, I thought about today 我会思考今天 But, it's so much easier to say 但是,它是如此容易表达 Tomorrow, 明天, Who promised you, 谁曾向你许下承诺 Tomorrow, 明天, Better choose the lord today 最好在今天就选择上帝 For tomorrow very well might be today 因为明天很可能就是另一个今天 And you said, your tomorrow would ever come for you... 况且你说过,你的明天将永不再到来你身边 Still you laughed and played and continued on to say...... 你仍然笑着嬉戏着,继续着你的叙说 Tomorrow.... forget about.... 明天。。。学会遗忘。。。 Tomorrow 明天 Won't you give your life today 你会在今天付出生命的代价吗 PLEASE 所以请你 Don't just turn and walk away 不要只是转身离开 Tomorrow, tomorrow is not promised 没有人能保证你的明天 Don't let this moment slip away 不要让此时的瞬间悄然溜走 WHOOOOOO 喔~ Your tomorrow could, could very well be here TODAY....... 你的明天很可能就是此时此刻的今天