作词 : Pinnella, Romeo, Rullo All we know, now has come undone 我们所知道的,现已崩塌消解 Balance lost between the Moon and Sun 太阳和月亮之间的平衡,已被打破 Hear out prayers - Keepers of the Skies divine 聆听我们的祷告,神圣的天空守护者 Upon us all - let your wisdom shine 照沐我众,让你智慧的光芒闪耀 Losing faith as the madness prevails 丧失信仰,犹如疯病蔓延 in us all we are searching for a reason 于我们之中,我们需要寻找一个理由 a need to calm the storm 来将这场风暴平息 In our sails - let your winds be strong 护佑我辈,在生命的远航让你的顺风猛吹 Breathe the air around you 呼吸你身旁四周的空气 The oceans fill your veins 大海在你的脉络奔流 and winds embrace your heart 暴风将你的心脏围绕 Feel the change within you 感受你自身内在的变化 The Sun and Moon align - The Grand 太阳和月亮排成直线 Design awaits a new start 以壮观的形式期待新的开始 From the skies, looking down on you 穿透遮蔽天空的云层 Through the clouds tainted crystal blue 至高者自天空将你俯视 "Such advancement, yet lacking the control “如此的进步,却缺乏控制 so unaware of your earthly roles" 对于肩负的任务,你一无所知” Praise this child and the words of her rhyme 赞颂这孩子,以及他韵诗中的词语 A sacred gift - Magic of the Five 神圣的恩赐,五人众的魔法 will bring you tranquillity 会引领你获得安宁 A new order of equality 一种新的平等的秩序 Five senses come alive 五者的意识逐渐复苏 Five reasons thrive 五者的理智迅速提高 Five nations unite 五个国家联合 Unite as one 联合为一 Night and Day will find a way 白天和黑夜终会找到方法 to keep the Balance true 将平衡精确地保持 Let the Sky and Stars be your guide 让天空和繁星担当你的向导 the destination is up to you 那地等待着你的到来 Raise our heads up to the Skies 将我们的双手迎向天空 Feel the essence of Time 感受时间的流动 Changing ways like the shifting tides 变幻的形式如潮汐的浪涌 In the waves hear the Rhyme 置身其中听诗诵