[00:00.0](Matthew 4:16 )The people who sat in darkness saw a great light. [00:10.61]The average fellow the average girl that are afraid to be laughed at,You are afraid to be talked about,you are afraid to be excluded from school. [00:20.58]Because you don't want to be laughed at. [00:59.5]You know something, I hate you. [02:04.95](Jeremiah 17:9)The heart is deceitful above all things,and desperately wicked; [02:10.31]who can know it? [02:24.49]I have found out what God want you to do. [03:05.80]And I sincerely hope that as a result of this assembly. [03:12.26]This high school will be a better high school. —— [03:14.59]Thank you very much and God bless. [03:31.57]You know something, I hate you.