作词 : Dillon, Dycus Like a child lost in the wilderness I knew not where to go Surrounded by the emptiness Of a love that left me cold I stumbled through the darkness Of nights that had no stars And days that had no sunshine To warm my naked heart Like a bird in flight brought down by stones From an unknown assailant's sling A stranger took you from my arms And I lost everything In days to come I nearly run Out of ways to stay alive But through it all I never lost The will to survive But I'm not over you and I doubt that I'll ever be But I've learned to live and you won't be The death of me, oh no, yes, I've learned to live And I'm doing well but I'm not over you Like a thief who takes just what he needs And he leaves the rest behind You took the heart right out of me And you left me with my mind I've almost gone out of it And at times I thought I didBut gradually I've learned that you're someone I have to learn to live with But I'm not over you and I doubt that I'll ever be But I've learned to live and you won't be The death of me, oh no, yes, I've learned to live And I'm doing well but I'm not over you