作词 : 六宇 作曲 : CXBRA I got bottles all around me make me feelin' like a rocket身边都是瓶子 感觉自己即将发射 poped ten liter of sake like the kamikazi闷了十吨清酒像个神风忍者 I got people talkin' bout my music like they know me人们对我的音乐说三道四好像他们真的懂一样 I got homies all around me身边朋友一堆 (cough...) I got bottles all around me make me feelin' like a rocket身边都是瓶子 感觉自己即将发射 poped ten liter of sake like the kamikazi闷了十吨清酒像个神风忍者 I got people talkin' bout my music like they know me人们对我的音乐说三道四好像他们真的懂一样 I got homies all around me make me feel so lonely身边朋友一堆但我感觉自己愈发孤独 blooedy tail with double of horn雪淋淋的尾巴和一对犄角 burn the hell that's moon I born一把火烧了地浴老子出生在月球 came to you I bring the horror将恐惧带给尔等 shoot me what you waitin' for崩了我嘛犹豫什么 I fncked your moral correctness侮辱了你的道德正确 always ignore all the flatterer hater对奉承和诋毁视而不见 teared up all my paper把我的钞票都撕成碎片 never liked them call me a rapper从来都不喜欢他们把我叫说唱歌手 stand in the middle of pavement站在路中央 ran out the patience耐心耗尽 swinging my katana挥舞打刀 we got no common我们没有任何共同点 I am a summoner proficency in the sorcery吾乃通晓一切黑魔法之召唤术士 ride on a griffin holdin' a skull骑乘狮鹫手持头骨 travel the universe穿梭宇宙 don't call me stephen I am a ghoul我只是个孤魂野鬼别把我当成史蒂芬霍金了 the world can't stand my roar so I live my day like doom这个世界容不下我的嘶吼 所以我把每天都当末日来过 CXBRA IN A MESS CXBRA落魄不堪 CXBRA IS THE BEST CXBRA登峰造极 CXBRA IN A COMA BLOW YOUR FNCKIN' HEAD LIKE FNCKIN PLAGUE CXBRA陷入昏迷化身瘟疫肆虐炸掉你的脑袋 I heard you're the chosen ones I ain't got such a bless听说你们都是天选之子 我可从未得到此等眷顾 Don't you tryna bro me bch you should know all my bros are dead别打算跟我称兄道bro了 你得知道想当我bro的都是一群死人罢了 I got bottles all around me make me feelin' like a rocket身边都是瓶子 感觉自己即将发射 poped ten liter of sake like the kamikazi闷了十吨清酒像个神风忍者 I got people talkin' bout my music like they know me人们对我的音乐说三道四好像他们真的懂一样 I got homies all around me身边朋友一堆 (cough...) I got bottles all around me make me feelin' like a rocket身边都是瓶子 感觉自己即将发射 poped ten liter of sake like the kamikazi闷了十吨清酒像个神风忍者 I got people talkin' bout my music like they know me人们对我的音乐说三道四好像他们真的懂一样 I got homies all around me make me feel so lonely身边朋友一堆但我感觉自己愈发孤独 灵感赞助 像中了幻术 狠货在颁布 我看的到 你的厌恶 虚伪的面目 But i dont give ke 欲望让身体工具反复 的利用着激动的everyone进新的官府 I.m freestyle 集结着士兵等新一轮突击 收起你没用的估计 还不是废话都一样都一样的目的 Money power oh 同样的想法都变得很俗 Game over我开个玩笑 点上最新的燃料 O mg我不是在胡来 内心独白全部锁死在studio 信息扩散 手机屏幕 表情凝固 欲望开始变得无厘头 W1d222 状态开起like ak dududu 加入了six sixxxx 速度激情的油门在wu wu wu Trun it up what's that 臭味从某场演出里传来 Hit it up, one time. 还没动手就来给我摊牌? 产物在捏造着trap oh yahh 幻影出强大的怪物oh yahh 卑微又胆小的财奴 oh bla Give that beat 摆正态度 kaka I got bottles all around me make me feelin' like a rocket身边都是瓶子 感觉自己即将发射 poped ten liter of sake like the kamikazi闷了十吨清酒像个神风忍者 I got people talkin' bout my music like they know me人们对我的音乐说三道四好像他们真的懂一样 I got homies all around me身边朋友一堆 (cough...) I got bottles all around me make me feelin' like a rocket身边都是瓶子 感觉自己即将发射 poped ten liter of sake like the kamikazi闷了十吨清酒像个神风忍者 I got people talkin' bout my music like they know me人们对我的音乐说三道四好像他们真的懂一样 I got homies all around me make me feel so lonely身边朋友一堆但我感觉自己愈发孤独