[00:00.000] 作词 : RafaJungle [00:01.000] 作曲 : RafaJungle/Javier Jaramillo [00:02.000] 编曲 : RafaJungle [00:22.707]When she appears the sunshine will be gone [00:25.950]当她出现的时候,太阳也只能藏起来 [00:27.191]When she rolls her way she'll get the focus on [00:31.117]她用她的方式夺走了大家的目光 [00:32.190]How she walks how she talks how she gets her shine on [00:37.193]她的言谈举止风华绝代 [00:38.411]she’s been no one [00:39.976]都让她无与伦比 [00:42.505]She moves like a papillon in a sunflower [00:45.903]她像一只在向阳花间飞舞的蝴蝶 [00:47.798]Her smile can win over Eiffel tower [00:51.189]她的微笑比埃菲尔铁塔更加迷人 [00:52.519]You can tell by the smell in the air how the glamor flows in her way [01:00.803]你从她的气味就能分别得出她是如何让她的美丽散发在空气之中的 [01:02.482]She so sweet like a bottle of spring water from the Colico lake of chile [01:08.895]她就像来自智利克里克湖的天然泉水般甘甜 [01:13.158]She so sexy burning like the running lava jumping out of white Mountain Fuji [01:20.452]她就像富士山喷溅的滚滚岩浆般性感 [01:22.325]Never mind she doesn't need to hook up, cause you been cast by her spell 、 [01:27.204]她从没必要主动出击,因为你已经被她迷得神魂颠倒 [01:33.096]Her lips taste like a sip of champagne [01:36.611]她的双唇尝起来味如香槟 [01:37.961]Her hair falls like made of velvet [01:41.802]她的头发如天鹅绒丝滑 [01:43.376]Just one look in the eye i know i been mesmerized for good [01:50.619]就只是看了一眼我就知道我已经永远着迷了 [01:53.338]My heartbeat doesn't drop as it should be [01:54.834]我的心跳已经不听使唤 [01:58.055]Cause all i can see is her beauty [02:01.361]因为我所看见的只有她的美 [02:03.567]You never can tell a man in love how much madness he could be with [02:11.318]你绝不能判断一个热恋的男人有多么的疯狂 [02:13.186]She so sweet like a bottle of spring water from the Colico lake of chile [02:19.057]她就像来自智利克里克湖的天然泉水般甘甜 [02:23.334]She so sexy burning like the running lava jumping out of white Mountain Fuji [02:28.925]她就像富士山喷溅的滚滚岩浆般性感 [02:33.202]Never mind she doesn't need to hook up, cause you been cast by her spell 、 [02:37.177]她从没必要主动出击,因为你已经被她迷得神魂颠倒 [03:14.219]She so fly that i get myself prone to be way captured by her watery eyes [03:21.422]她如此的性感我经不住地沉醉在她水汪汪的大眼睛里 [03:23.790]I cant stand with one more second being no stooped by her fab coming from her inside [03:33.198]若再有一秒不臣服于她由内而外的美丽我将无法克制 [03:33.996]Before the sun sets off the skyline, I already wish her was mine [03:43.280]在太阳落下海平面之前我已经希望她是我的了