desperado,why don't you come to your senses?   亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟?   you've been out-riding fences for so long now   你已经独自漂泊了很久。   oh you're hard one ,   喔,你是个固执的家伙   but I know that you've got your reasons   但是我知道你有你自己的理由   these things that are pleasing you can hurt you somehow   你怕这些令你喜悦的终有一天会伤害到你   don't you draw the queen of diamonds boy   为什么不丢弃那张方片皇后,男孩?(在美国,方块皇后代表暴力)   she'll beat you if she's able   如果她可以,她会打败你   you know the queen of hearts is always your best bet   你知道你最好的选择一直是红心皇后。(红心皇后代表仁慈)   now it seems to me some fine things   现在,我眼中的好东西   have been laid upon your table   都摆在了你的眼前   but you only want the ones that you can't get   但是你只想要你得不到的   desperado,oh,you ain't gettin no younger   亡命之徒,噢,你已不再年轻   your pain and your hunger   你的痛苦,你的饥饿   they're driving you home   他们正驱使你回家   freedom,oh,freedom well that's just some people talking   自由啊,自由,那只是片面之词   your prison is walking though this world all along   你的罪恶正在独自蔓延到整个世界   don't your feet get cold in the winter time   你的双脚是否禁得住冬天的寒冷   the sky won't snow and the sun won't shine   雪不飘舞,光被遮蔽   it's hard to tell the night time from the day   分不清黑夜与白昼   you're losin' all your highs and lows ,ain't it funny how the feelin' goes away?   你将失去你的一切喜悲,这难道不可笑吗?   desperado,why don't you come to your senses   亡命之徒,你为何执迷不悟?   come down from your fences,open the gate   敞开心扉吧   it may be raining   或许会经历风雨   but there's a rainbow above you   但雨后依旧会有彩虹   you'd better let somebody love you   你最好让别人来爱你   (let somebody love you)   让别人来爱你   you'd better let somebody love you   你最好让别人来爱你   before it's too late   在为时已晚之前。