作词 : 欧文/Plan Z 作曲 : 欧文/Plan Z 编曲:欧文 U can’t see the bigger picture till u stepback If u really something hard to not get backstabbed 你身边那些人经不起你backtrack 我旁边的兄弟个个身经百战 turn the base up 要起飞了 那边shawty 有点醉了 邻居跑来敲门嫌我音乐太大声 懒得说他鼠目寸光 shawty get her face down ass up 他们还不知道something louder快发声 red dots on u 像是寻麻疹 无视你的防守撤不撤步一样准 hiphop不是鸡汤沒有五犯离场 看我引爆这个地方不用**不是本*登 Step back catch u falling like U Brandon night 一个接一个倒下像多米诺骨牌 盲人摸象弄不明白lemme get it right Time to take off overwatch them like a Satellite yeah i take a step back i go crazy in this game like i’m mad max yeah i take a step back i see the bigger picture that is full of bad lies yeah i take a step back every move i made i just trynna get the pay check 我們迎难而上没人逃避现实 aye 劈荆斩棘只为拿到冠军戒指 aye 凌晨四點二十四号一樣偏執 yea 学会投资自己变得越来越越值钱 別給自己加冕 u ain’t none of that sheet 免得日後打臉 u got them whack sheet 全场紧逼on ur ass we ain’t break a sweat 镜子里的那一个人估计才是bigger threat Take step back I’ve been flowing on this s**t way before those hashtags Homie Take a stepback you 就算干拔跳投每次我们也能cash that uhh hold up Boy take step back 所有长的正的姑娘他们都想snap that Take a step back for the money the fame you know nothing was the same 让你退一步海阔天空不是让你放弃 在这片角斗场中没人应该垂头丧气 井底之蛙看不到这山河的壮丽 我亲眼所见他们只能依靠想象力 站在山峰的顶端俯瞰众生像蝼蚁 他们的命运都没握在自己手里 我从小就把懒惰视为我的仇敌 时刻准备着面对敌人每次偷袭 yeah i grind so hard 而你不思进取 所以我在的球队从来就是老牌劲旅 轻松的后撤步再出手进球轻而易举 i make it rain every time 对手需要避雨 活在过去怎么阻止未来惨剧发生 所以我看你每次出手都像在瞎扔 我步步精明就像是在玩地产大亨(monopoly) 虽然我叫做欧文但我打球更像哈登 为什么全是一些小人物说着大话 把卖不出去的小别墅装成大厦 我精通的基本功全都异常精准 跟我比手辣我一定比你心狠 i got ice in my vein feeling like i’m Dload 上上下下ABAC yeah that’s cheat code i‘m the king of the court used to name myself CIRO. back the **** up make a step back you too little yeah i take a step back i go crazy in this game like i’m mad max yeah i take a step back i see the bigger picture that is full of bad lies yeah i take a step back every move i made i just trynna get the pay check Take step back I’ve been flowing on this s**t way before those hashtags Homie Take a stepback you 就算干拔跳投每次我们也能cash that uhh hold up Boy take step back 所有长的正的姑娘他们都想snap that Take a step back for the money the fame you know nothing was the same 采样—《伤心的歌》