作词 : ISERU异叁贰 作曲 : ISERU异叁贰 my endless miss is all in vain 我无尽的思念都是徒劳 my hands are caressing on the cold wall 我的双手轻抚在冰冷的墙上 indifference responds deeply to my soul 冷漠深深反映我的灵魂 how can i get back to the past 怎样才能回到过去 repeatedly ask my lord jesus 反复询问我主耶稣 can't get any anyanswer 得不到任何回答 the thoughts of collapse are gradually spreading 崩溃的思想逐渐蔓延 countless sounds surround me in the night 夜晚 无数声音围绕着我 my endless miss is all in vain 我无尽的思念都是徒劳