作词 : 弭乱(Chaos Repression)乐队 作曲 : 弭乱(Chaos Repression)乐队 Lethal Injection 作曲:尹志伟 山泉 作词:刘阳 孙宇辰 rap:p.o.p 录音/混音/制作人:汪民 Everybody comes around 每个人自从诞生的那刻醒来 Trying to find a way out 就在不停的寻找一条通往彼岸的“出口” When I know the lidocaine, dopamine injected. 生活不断用怪异的考验刺激着脑中的多巴胺分泌,现实的疼痛逼迫着每个人寻找着止痛剂 I’m confused by the vivid reality. 鲜明而又眩目又让人不得不怀疑这一切是否真实 Dead squad standing behind (is) little flying pig 就像猪幻想自己长了翅膀来躲避刽子手的利刃 Trynna be the warrior but mind comes clear 有时想放手一搏做那五秒钟的勇士怎奈理智踩下了刹车 Screen keeps rolling but life is not a game 一生的画面放电影般闪过才意识到这不是一场游戏 (Father say) Hey kids what do you want before you die? 直到葬礼时神父宽慰的祷告结束了这一切 All I wanna say the scene is fake, *******. 直到麻醉剂失效后才意识到这一切都是泡影 Liar said never before. 制造谎言的人逃脱了惩罚,无辜者被推上了注射椅 You make me furious when I heard the scandal. ****后,是谁怒发冲冠,谁面红耳赤,谁无所事事,看客无视 We have nothing to lose. 但他们忽略了众志成城的力量 Leaders long gone, bury ****** truth. 始作俑者销声匿迹,真相永不见天日 Listen up, we are the sheep of the world so 纵使有羔羊千匹,牧者一人便可随意驱使 Break it down, they can do everything they want and (don’t) give a ****. 或剪羊毛,或宰杀亦或玩弄皆由其玩弄于股掌之间 Butchers outside the law, have no sight of any saviour. 弃骸荒野,法外逍遥,目之所及不见救主踪影 Am I a fool that I know justice song silence its volume. 逢此乱世,正义之歌已偃旗息鼓 I am under the ground breathe in breathe out. 而我在这六尺之下苟且偷生 Am I a fool that I know justice song silence its volume. 逢此乱世,正义之歌已偃旗息鼓 We are as one, fears gone in the end of injection. 所有的声音凝聚,所有的拳头照亮明晃晃的针头是这故事的结尾。 p.o.p 你听到了吗 你听到了吗 喂 你听到了吗 争议的声音在怒吼 蛋挞却小得可怜 徘徊在是非之间 舌尖mili 的诱惑让人蒙逼咯双眼 真假难辨(no body know) 在仓库的鲜实里享受着乌托邦的幻觉(you feel me?feel me!) 挥洒着万能的yan 剪断了天地的yan 天使在哭泣 they toll me sundy 创造仁磊的意义 试要治理甘蔗地 全因这地争名夺利 偷 摸 拐 骗 顿时我清醒 发出FUNK 的声音 I know this world is not my original world. 时过境迁,光阴荏苒,物是人非 The Angel beckons to me with a weird smile said “Hey, Welcome back again!” 殉道者的残躯铺满了道路,像是一个轮回的漩涡撕裂着罪与恶 Am I a fool that I know justice song silence its volume. 逢此乱世,正义之歌已偃旗息鼓 I am under the ground breathe in breathe out. 而我在这六尺之下苟且偷生 Am I a fool that I know justice song silence its volume. 逢此乱世,正义之歌已偃旗息鼓 We are as one, fears gone in the end of the world. 天倾地覆之间我们无所畏惧