Acid burns and the pain is sickening Flesh is melting and the end is near Limbs are hanging by a fucking thread Someone did this and laughed while doing it Septic severance, your flesh is gone Septic severance, and now you burn away Septic severance, your flesh is gone Septic severance, and now you burn away Massive torture brought by acid Skin that no longer holds Parts of bodies torn and melting Flesh like snow like running water Septic severance, your flesh is gone Septic severance, and now you burn away Septic severance, your flesh is gone Septic severance, and now you burn away Utter pain and screaming deluxe This must be the worst of ends As the acid flows and rips... There's no possibility that anything will mend... Septic severance, your flesh is gone Septic severance, and now you burn away Septic severance, your flesh is gone Septic severance, and now you burn away