作词 : JamesCheung 作曲 : JamesCheung smoking so well, smoking well 抽烟的感觉真好,在烟雾缭绕中感觉真好 you know smoking do kills ,i know smoking do heals 你说抽烟会杀死人,而我说抽烟能治愈人们 fly to paradise ,or we can lie in the hell 让我飞向天堂,让我魂游地府 she murdered my heart, can never find somewhere 她抢走了我的心,我再也找不到它了 smoking so well, smoking well 抽烟的感觉真好,在烟雾缭绕中感觉真好 you know smoking do kills ,i know smoking do heals 你说抽烟会杀死人,而我说抽烟能治愈人们 fly to paradise ,or we can lie in the hell 让我飞向天堂,让我魂游地府 she murdered my heart, i won't send it someone else 她抢走了我的心,我再也不想把它给别人了 smoking do kills, it do heals 抽烟能杀死人,它也能治愈 that flame mixes faint mist so well , it’s so well 那火焰和稀薄的烟雾完美地结合在一起,这太美妙了 can’t distinguish what real , what pain or thrill 无法分辨什么是真实与虚拟了,无法分辨什么是痛苦什么是刺激 alive my alcohol cigarettes, my bed and pills 在一个只有酒精,烟,药片,床的房间里苟延残喘 she murdered my heart then she just threw it away 她抢走了我的心然后她就这么随手扔掉了 she held her oath i can’t believe it exactly what she just made 她曾经守护着她的誓言,我不相信她确实这么做了 Gradually blacking blacking no longer be glossy red 我的心逐渐变黑,一点点的变黑,不再是光泽鲜艳的红色 I won’t hold it any more cuz know it’s start to be fake 我不想再拥有它了,然后它已经不再是我的心了 smoking so well, smoking well 抽烟的感觉真好,在烟雾缭绕中感觉真好 you know smoking do kills ,i know smoking do heals 你说抽烟会杀死人,而我说抽烟能治愈人们 fly to paradise ,or we can lie in the hell 让我飞向天堂,让我魂游地府 she murdered my heart, can never find somewhere 她抢走了我的心,我再也找不到它了 smoking so well, smoking well 抽烟的感觉真好,在烟雾缭绕中感觉真好 you know smoking do kills ,i know smoking do heals 你说抽烟会杀死人,而我说抽烟能治愈人们 fly to paradise ,or we can lie in the hell 让我飞向天堂,让我魂游地府 she murdered my heart, i won't send it someone else 她抢走了我的心,我再也不想把它给别人了 i know ,I know what she once said 我记得,我记得她曾经说过 she said we are like iron magnet 她说我们就像磁铁一样吸附在一起 we are like destined perfect 我们就是天生一对 It lasts few days why few days flew so quick 这段感情没有持续很久,但是为什么这短短的时间过的却也这么快 she control it like her game 她仿佛控制了一切就像是她的游戏一样 i stand here repeat what she just forget , she just forget 我站在原地傻乎乎地重复着她所忘记的我们的点点滴滴,她就这么忘了 knew she’s a different girl ,her teeth like purest pearl 当初一眼就觉得她是个不同的女孩,她的牙就像最纯净的珍珠 her word’s a cutest bird ,smile like fewest crystal all I wish 她的话语就像是最可爱的鸟儿,她笑起来像最稀有的水晶一样美。然而现在 my god blesses her , her house is beside a church 我所有的渴望就是上帝可以保佑她,她的家甚至就住在教堂旁边 I Lost my way , I lost my girl 我最终失去了我的方向,我最终失去了我的女孩, she said we are in different two worlds 她最终说我们或许是两个不同世界的人吧 you know ,i met her on driving test ,she was in 98, 我在考驾照时与她相识,她出生于1998年, when i first saw her, i was like ,oh damn,this girl's a 看到她的第一眼,我的反应是,我的天,这个女孩子简直 dime.and luckily ,she agreed .she hates the fact that i 完美无缺。最后幸运的是,她答应我了。她讨厌我抽烟 smoked,i said 'll do some changes for you ,even got confidence 我说我愿意为你而去改变,甚至充满信心去战胜一些现实的问题, to beat some factual problem like ,we 'll be in different countries 比如我们未来一段时间会在不同的国家 in the future ,but .. it's just so quick ,so good luck. 但是,这一切太快了。 只能说一句,祝你幸福 i fed one pack ,ten packs ,N packs 我抽了一包烟,十包烟,无数包 my lung be black ,be mad ,be busted 我的肺逐渐变成黑色,变得愤怒,变得糟糕 Artist say they ‘re sparks , one for prisoner life’s enough 艺术家们说抽烟是为了灵感,处决前的一根烟让死刑囚犯也没什么遗憾 I smoked too much don’t care about deadly cancer they’re fixing my heart 不再在乎未来会得致命的疾病,我抽了无数的烟为了修复我受伤的心 i used to hurt somebody burst somebody dirty somebody they call me a real thug 我曾经也伤害过别人,欺骗过比人,玩弄过别人,她们叫我恶棍 she took my heart it’s my feedback she put me on that handcuff 她带走了我的心,这就像是我的报应,给我带上了手铐 now I turn back , I’m here just for a true love 现在我回头了,我只不过是想要一段真正的爱 now i turn back , i’m here just for a true love