[00:00.000] 作词 : 无 [00:01.000] 作曲 : Arena, Field, Parde [00:21.181]Wouldn't you know it, I've lost my courage [00:23.431]你知道吗我已失去勇气 [00:28.932]Isn't that funny, me lost for words [00:31.683]我不知该说些什么的样子是不是很可笑 [00:35.931]Not that it really matters, cause I know you know [00:39.683]这并不那么重要,因我知你知道 [00:43.932]And you would have told me yourself if you could [00:47.431]如果可以你早就会让我知道 [00:52.432]Remember the first time, we met each other [00:55.182]还记得第一次我们相见 [00:59.682]You were in your world and I was in mine [01:02.682]我们都各自活在自己的世界 [01:07.432]Breaking down the barriers, we broke all the rules [01:09.933]打破障碍,我们打破了所有规则 [01:16.932]Wasn't it good, wasn't it fine [01:18.184]不是很好吗 [01:26.433]While I took for granted, you took your time [01:30.682]我觉得理所应当的时候,你也慢条斯理 [01:34.684]Longing for love, oh how we tried [01:37.933]对爱的渴望,我们多么努力 [01:42.683]It's over now that's understood, but wasn't it good [01:44.933]现虽已不言自明的结束了,不也很好么 [02:02.934]So long together, two would be lovers [02:05.183]在一起这么久,早就应成为一对恋人了 [02:10.185]Caring for flowers that just wouldn't grow [02:13.184]小心翼翼呵护着无法长大的爱的花蕊 [02:18.184]And in all of our tomorrows, we'll have yesterdays [02:20.433]我们所拥有的明天中亦有我们的昨天 [02:27.435]And wasn't it good, wasn't it fine [02:29.435]这不也很好么 [02:37.434]While I took for granted, you took your time [02:39.685]我觉得理所应当的时候,你也慢条斯理 [02:45.434]Longing for love, oh how we tried [02:48.935]对爱的渴望,我们多么努力 [02:53.184]It's over now that's understood [02:56.184]现虽已不言自明的结束了 [03:02.936]But wasn't it good... [03:04.684]不也很好么... [03:17.936]I'm gonna miss, gonna miss you baby [03:18.686]宝贝儿我会想你的 [03:28.935]Wasn't it good, wasn't it fine [03:30.936]不也很好么 [03:36.436]Wasn't it good, wasn't it fine [03:37.936]不也很好么 [03:52.435]Wasn't it good, wasn't it fine [03:54.186]不也很好么