[00:00.000] 作词 : Geddy Frae/玩少/Valentino Burney [00:01.000] 作曲 : Geddy Frae/玩少/Valentino Burney [00:03.166]FALLEN ZOO & Valentino Burney [00:07.916]MIX by 百川Rebellious [00:10.923]VERSE. [00:14.672]decadent gang we the fallen zoo mess up the city still hungry we shoot on the street [00:18.422]失落的动物园吞噬这座城市但还不够仍在街上扫射 [00:18.422]I didn't mean it I prefer the peace [00:20.419]我本不想这样我更喜欢和平 [00:20.661]but yall **** moves cheat on me renege on me [00:22.416]但你们下三滥的招数激怒了我 [00:22.416]I dont want so much hatred inside me [00:24.168]我本不想把那么多的仇恨与愤怒注入 [00:24.667]I got a bigger picture bigger company sign me [00:26.664]因为我的蓝图更宏伟 更大的公司都要过来签我 [00:26.921]I mean Im the money tree drop me some fire **** Ill ignite it [00:29.672]意思是我是颗摇钱树给我个伴奏我就能点燃它 [00:30.171]I came up in a city where it's windy [00:31.669]我来自一个风很大的城市 [00:31.669]never thought I'd be a “rapper” would spit it sickly [00:33.423]从没想过会成为一个“说唱歌手” [00:33.923]when g fif move to the Asian province [00:35.662]当我搬家到亚洲省 [00:35.919]follow my ass is the most important thing [00:37.417]最重要的事就是跟在我后面 [00:37.417]money is the only thing can encourage me [00:39.169]钱是唯一能鼓舞我的东西 [00:39.169]so give it all to me and drive me crazy [00:41.423]所以全给我 把我灌疯 [00:41.423]you're Kitty you mini I'm gfif can't see me [00:42.921]don't [00:43.420]believe me you're bledding you cheating then you missing [00:45.171]你是迷你凯蒂猫 我是G-15 你看不见我 所以别相信我 [00:45.171]Gold chain chain 全都够bling bling [00:47.413]金链子闪得很(假哒) [00:48.080]no瓶颈 oh we make it rain [00:49.203]没有瓶颈期不断地飞升(这是真哒) [00:49.203]邀请信自己收进去 [00:51.710]straight outta city [00:52.532]我们又进军 [00:53.780]冲出这城市我们又进军 [00:53.984]dance on the roof [00:55.477]在楼顶上狂欢 [00:55.477]we aint got no rules [00:57.731]才不管你的什么规则 [00:57.985]me and my crew [00:59.483]我和我的团队 [00:59.982]we better than you [01:00.360]一马平川 [01:00.360] [01:00.860]I'm too fast to chase [01:01.359]我飞的太快你追不到 [01:01.858]so I suggest you to stop [01:03.355]所以我建议你打住 [01:03.855]I got two chains on my neck that's the best thing to trust [01:07.602]我有两个链子在脖子上他们是最值得信任的东西 [01:07.602]I'm moving you're losing [01:09.611]我不停跳 你不停输 [01:09.611]I'm the one be god chosen [01:12.107]我是被选中的人 [01:12.107]striaght outta the city say hi to biggie [01:15.356]冲出这座城跟biggie 打声招呼 [01:15.356] [01:15.606]HOOK. [01:15.606]IM only fifteen no one can beat me [01:17.357]15岁就已遥遥领先 [01:17.856]straight outta city front runner leading [01:19.354]冲出这城市 做你们的领头羊 [01:19.354]IM only fifteen no one can beat me [01:21.359]15岁就已遥遥领先 [01:21.605]straight outta city front runner leading [01:23.360]冲出这城市 做你们的领头羊 [01:23.360]straight outta city [01:26.355]rest in peace [01:27.607]冲出这城市 [01:27.607]小弟弟们 [01:27.853]straight outta city [01:29.362]冲出这城市 [01:29.362]问题全都搞得定 [01:30.602] [01:30.602]VERSE. [01:31.359]ay fallen zoo gang [01:32.112]堕落动物园 [01:32.611]we're the best crew ay [01:33.851]我们是最强的team [01:33.851]humble like kendrick once said [01:34.854]“谦虚”得就像喇嘛所说 [01:35.353]808 make your heart break [01:36.605]808鼓震的你心碎 [01:37.104]sorrow sorrow sorrow [01:38.360]悲伤啊悲伤 [01:38.360]some people tryna kill sorrow [01:39.612]有人总想赶走悲伤 [01:39.857]play with me without bubbles [01:41.110]不带着泡泡跟我玩耍 [01:41.110]only got ******* problem in a dark room [01:42.661]loud tunes [01:42.661]只有那些开着巨大音响的黑屋子里的破问题 [01:43.159]pray to god make vow soon [01:44.158]赶紧做个祷告 [01:44.158]like a venom in a waffle [01:45.910]就像华夫饼里的”毒液“ [01:45.910] [01:45.910]HOOK. [01:46.408]IM only fifteen no one can beat me [01:47.918]15岁就已遥遥领先 [01:48.417]straight outta city front runner leading [01:49.915]冲出这城市 做你们的领头羊 [01:49.915]IM only fifteen no one can beat me [01:51.911]15岁就已遥遥领先 [01:51.911]straight outta city front runner leading [01:53.909]冲出这城市 做你们的领头羊 [01:53.909]straight outta city [01:53.909]rest in peace [01:58.160]冲出这城市 [01:58.160]小弟弟们 [02:00.168]straight outta city [02:00.664]冲出这城市 [02:00.909]问题全都搞得定 [02:00.909] [02:01.666]VERSE. [02:01.666]we straight outta city but you cant do **** [02:02.918]我们冲破了边界你们无法望吾之向背 [02:03.418]yall on the shelf wish you rest in peace [02:05.161]弟中弟被弃用愿你安息 [02:05.161]monster in the zoo we the larrikin [02:06.912]我们是动物园里的巨兽撕碎了规矩 [02:07.166]baby girl come and lick your daddy's cream [02:09.166]药水哥出来教你做人了哦 [02:09.166]we so crazy lrcs dehumanize us [02:10.664]我们太疯狂了歌词让我们丧失了人性 [02:10.918]wanna be rich enough to large it up [02:12.657]想要富裕以放浪形骸 [02:12.914]whole lotta kinds of rhyme so de-luxe [02:14.412]韵富五车豪华得飞起 [02:14.911]walk up to the shawties get their cheeks flushed [02:16.167]靠近的女生们全都脸红了(不是我嗷) [02:16.167] [02:16.662]"Valentino Burney": [02:17.273]Straight up out the city [02:19.028]冲出芝加哥 [02:19.523]And my lady pretty [02:21.026]妻妾妖艳 [02:21.524]Get rich just like im fifty [02:23.276]有钱得差不多该功成身退了 [02:23.276]And my hood is litty [02:25.273]让我的街区狂欢 [02:25.273]Nickle nine niffty [02:26.770]卑微黑狗不会翻译这句了 [02:26.770]Please don't come near me [02:28.779]别来靠近我 [02:29.283]If you want it, then you got it, let them Haters feel me [02:32.772]欲之则得之 小人们无法忽视我的存在 [02:33.018]Politic with ease [02:34.028]从容不迫 [02:34.028]Plugged overseas [02:36.593]拨通了国际长途的电话 [02:36.593]Get money im a monster, watch me plant my seed [02:40.342]赚钱能力像个怪物 看我播下种子 [02:40.342]My city got it all Dirt and Collard Greens [02:44.094]肮脏里摸爬滚打玩点绿色植物 [02:44.593]Big bags full of paper im a count machine [02:47.588]点钞机般的数弄着大袋的钱 [02:47.588]thousand Miles away, i still keep it trilla [02:51.593]千里之行我仍富可敌国 [02:52.089]Voices in my head, tino keep it realer [02:55.342]时刻提醒自己要保持真实 [02:55.841]Dont care about a blog I dont need applause [02:59.094]不玩社交媒体不需要掌声 [02:59.809]Shout out to my dogs [03:01.061]向我的兄弟们致敬 [03:01.560]We forever ball [03:01.806]我们永远是最燃的 [03:02.306] [03:02.306]HOOK. [03:02.804]IM only fifteen no one can beat me [03:04.057]15岁就已遥遥领先 [03:04.057]straight outta city front runner leading [03:06.310]冲出这城市 做你们的领头羊 [03:06.310]IM only fifteen no one can beat me [03:07.808]15岁就已遥遥领先 [03:08.308]straight outta city front runner leading [03:10.558]冲出这城市 做你们的领头羊 [03:12.387]straight outta city [03:13.131]rest in peace [03:13.385]冲出这城市 [03:14.629]小弟弟们 [03:15.382]straight outta city [03:16.138]冲出这城市 [03:16.504]问题全都搞得定 [03:18.001]IM only fifteen no one can beat me [03:19.842]15岁就已遥遥领先 [03:19.842]straight outta city front runner leading [03:21.340]冲出这城市 做你们的领头羊 [03:21.340]IM only fifteen no one can beat me [03:23.095]15岁就已遥遥领先 [03:23.095]straight outta city front runner leading [03:25.590]冲出这城市 做你们的领头羊 [03:25.847]straight outta city [03:27.841]rest in peace [03:27.841]冲出这城市 [03:29.339]小弟弟们 [03:30.095]straight outta city [03:30.594]冲出这城市 [03:31.335]问题全都搞得定