作词 : 杨一羡 作曲 : 杨一羡 编曲:Lonnie杨霖 和声:Lonnie杨霖 混音后期:Lonnie杨霖 Never close my eyes so A few 从未要合上双眼 Never stop to rest ‘cause I am alone 因为独身也从未打算停下休憩 Cross the street 车水马龙 Under the bridge 划过桥洞 Walking down the road 灯红酒绿 Never mind 也不去想 Where to go 去哪里 If it's dark 如果天黑了 Inalienable 就与黑夜融为一体 Keeping faith 坚信着 Right or wrong 无论对错 I'm around you around you around you 我都会在你身旁 Special force 给予你特殊力量 When I dream 当我进入梦乡 It's at my beck and call 一切就都在我掌控之中 It's all That what I want 应有尽有 It's for my fortune and grace 这是上天给我的恩惠 When I dream 沉浸梦乡 It's all that beautiful 是那么美丽 You're all my lucky dog 而你就是我的幸运儿 It's at my beck and call 就让一切梦想成真吧 When I dream 别醒来 睡吧 I can fly when I want to fly 我可以随时飞翔 I can do whatever when In my dream 我可以在梦中天马行空 You can‘t choose 别人不能选择 Your destiny 他们的命运 Cause in my mind oh oh 因为他们都要听我的 哦吼 I control all the life 我掌控一切 Submarine and parachute 上天入地 It's just a dream 可这只是一个梦啊 True or not 真实又不真实 I'm around you around you around you 而我却一直在你身边 Never wrong 从未有差错 When I dream 当我进入梦乡 It's at my beck and call 一切就都在我掌控之中 It's all That what I want 应有尽有 It's for my fortune and grace 这是上天给我的恩惠 When I dream 沉浸梦乡 It's all that beautiful 是那么美丽 You're all my lucky dog 而你就是我的幸运儿 It's at my beck and call 就让一切梦想成真吧 When I dream 别醒来 睡吧 Picking up all like that 尽情挑选吧 Nervousness can't knock me down 什么都不能将我击垮 Holding on my guitar 弹着吉他 Never turn around never hesitate 从不调转方向 也从不有任何犹豫 Oh oh 就这样一路高歌 The land didn't move, but move 大地亦止亦行 The sea was not still, yet was still 大海动而亦静 When I dream 当我进入梦乡 It's at my beck and call 一切就都在我掌控之中 It's all That what I want 应有尽有 It's for my fortune and grace 这是上天给我的恩惠 When I dream 沉浸梦乡 It's all that beautiful 是那么美丽 You're all my lucky dog 而你就是我的幸运儿 It's at my beck and call 就让一切梦想成真吧 When I dream 就这样一直梦着吧 制作人:Lonnie杨霖 钢琴:Lonnie杨霖 吉他:Lonnie杨霖 弦乐设计:Lonnie杨霖 合成器:Lonnie杨霖