[Verse I never was happy when I said I was I never lied I just thought I was But as life went on and the nights grew long I,I begin to feel otherwise It was no one to blame, no one fault but mines But I couldn't stop askin' myself Why? Why didn't anyone hear my cry? Why didn't anyone hear my lies when I told them I just needed time? Time to sleep Time to think But never enough time to find who I was and who I wanted to be I'm always so hard on myself I could knit a perfect sweater and still say It could be better I could write a perfect song and still feel something's wrong Why is it not enough? See people often talk about a glass being half full or half empty Well I ask Why does it have to be a glass Why do you limit me? Of course anything physical has limitations You bend a stick and eventually you'll break it But my spirit See this spirit has no limitations And it's been around for many generations But only time will tell how much longer till it's recognized