David Archuleta--Forevermore 大卫·阿楚雷塔——爱无止境 There are times when I just want to look at your face 大多时候 我只是想看看你美丽的脸庞 With the stars in the night 在繁星满天的夜晚 There are times when I just want to feel your embrace 大多时候 我只是想感受你温暖的拥抱 In the cold night 在这冰冷的夜晚 I just can't believe that you are mine now 难以置信 此刻我真的拥有了你 You were just a dream that I once knew 你曾是我的一个遥不可及的美梦 I never thought I would be right for you 我从没想过我会成为你的真命天子 I just can't compare you with anything in this world 在我心中 世间没有任何事物能与你相提并论 You're all I need to be with forevermore 与你相伴到永远是我的毕生心愿 All those years, I long to hold you in my arms 那些年 我渴望拥你入怀 I've been dreaming of you 你让我魂牵梦萦 Every night, I've been watching all the stars that fall down 每个夜晚 我注视着流星划过 Wishing you will be mine 祈愿你将会属于我 I just can't believe that you are mine now 难以置信 此刻我真的拥有了你 You were just a dream that I once knew 你曾是我的一个遥不可及的美梦 I never thought I would be right for you 我从没想过我会成为你的真命天子 I just can't compare you with anything in this world 在我心中 世间没有任何事物能与你相提并论 You're all I need to be with forevermore 与你相伴到永远是我的毕生心愿 Time and again 一次又一次 There are these changes that we cannot end 有些变幻莫测 我们也束手无策 As sure as the time keeps going on and on 毋庸置疑 时光不会驻足停留 My love for you will be forevermore 但我对你的爱将会直到永远 Ohhh, yeah---ey 噢 耶。。。 I just can't believe that you are mine now 难以置信 此刻我真的拥有了你 You were just a dream that I once knew 你曾是我的一个遥不可及的美梦 I never thought I would be right for you 我从没想过我会成为你的真命天子 I just can't compare you with anything in this world 在我心中 世间没有任何事物能与你相提并论 As endless as forever 对你的爱永无止境 Our love will stay together 我们的爱将永相随 You are all I need to be with forevermore 与你相伴到永远是我的毕生心愿 Forevermore 永无止境 You are all I need to be with forevermore 与你相伴到永远是我的毕生心愿 Hmmm---yeahh---yeah 嗯—耶-耶