Look in the mirror and tell me what's the latest fashion news See all the lotions and potions and shampoos for you to use Don't let them slip away for another day, so use your card Beauty hand cream shiny blond Anti wrinkle too Perfect bronzer, body butter Self tanning cream Healthy glow for facial skin All these things you do So you will be glorious and divine Then if I once dare to look at you suddenly I am rude I'm like the others and probably I just want to **** you And besides I'm late, hairdressers don't wait, but give me a call Beauty hand cream shiny blond Anti wrinkle too Perfect bronzer, body butter Self tanning cream Healthy glow for facial skin All these things you do So you will be glorious and divine Beauty hand cream shiny blond Anti wrinkle too Perfect bronzer, body butter Self tanning cream Healthy glow for facial skin All these things you do So you will be glorious and divine Beauty hand cream shiny blond Anti wrinkle too Perfect bronzer, body butter Self tanning cream Healthy glow for facial skin All these things you do So you will be glorious and divine