[00:00.000] 作词 : HalftOne [00:01.000] 作曲 : HalftOne [00:23.149]I’m sorry be along [00:24.648]this last love song [00:25.899]I’m sorry be along [00:27.399]this last love song [00:29.149]I’m sorry be along [00:30.398]this last love song [00:31.899]I’m sorry be along [00:33.399]this last love song [00:47.149]我们回不到从前 [00:49.399]脑海回想起的那个暴雨天 [00:52.149]一天又一天的在夜里失眠 [00:55.150]没有爱情在你的字里行间 [00:57.149]照片翻了几遍 [00:58.399]我掉入黑暗里面 [00:59.899]只能再自我欺骗 [01:01.399]话说的显而易见 [01:02.900]我退后 我挽留 [01:04.149]找借口 在守候 [01:05.648]离开后发现这对我来说是天塌地陷 [01:09.399]以为忘记可以开始变得不再 堕落 [01:12.649]酒精不断侵入味蕾生活变得 落魄 [01:15.399]没有你的生活星星变得不再 闪烁 [01:18.149]你的身影连我在梦里都无法 触摸 [01:21.150]酒精自然的划过了嘴边 [01:23.900]又一次在夜晚喝到哽咽 [01:26.899]脑海回想起分开的瞬间 [01:29.899]就让我不断自我的催眠 [01:44.149]执迷 不醒 [01:47.149]相信 注定 [01:50.399]一意 孤行 [01:53.150]tell me your mean [01:55.900]I’m sorry be along [01:57.399]this last love song [01:58.900]I’m sorry be along [02:00.149]this last love song [02:01.399]I’m sorry be along [02:03.149]this last love song [02:04.649]I’m sorry be along [02:05.900]this last love song [02:07.491]脑海浮现出的画面 [02:08.492]时间对我进行的考验 [02:10.242]没办法停下的思恋 [02:11.742]做过了太多的亏欠 [02:13.242]又在一个夜晚醒来 [02:15.276]一根又一根的香烟让我变得失态 [02:18.193]总是失眠 闭眼 [02:19.870]想要回忆 避免 [02:21.120]不想掩饰 敷衍 [02:22.619]话到嘴边 不见 [02:24.120]言语戳入我要害 [02:25.576]只剩空白的对白 [02:26.576]想要将你挽留不过是我自我的旁白 [02:30.609]我已经忘记你的笑 [02:33.475]一切变得微不足道 [02:36.226]想要忘记你的喜好 [02:39.225]回忆还在不断把我缠绕 [02:41.975]已经开始习惯没有你的明天 [02:44.975]时间不断流逝又来到了零点 [02:47.592]你的话语也变得越来越精炼 [02:50.591]反正随便我也不想再去纠结 [02:53.591]I’m sorry be alone [02:56.591]I’m sorry be alone [02:59.511]I’m sorry be alone [03:02.011]I’m sorry be alone