作曲 : Adzic, Akesson Torture -- A life in despair Filled with hate and atrocity. Long time ago, a vision so clear. One by one, infecting the human race. The masquerade is done! The end of a holy war. I'm no longer astray. Forever I've been lost in pain. But the masquerade is done by now! I have fulfilled my call A bloodline has come to an end. Erased the sinners and blissful within. All undone by heavenly sin One by one they all disappeared. The masquerade is done! The end of a holy war. I'm no longer astray. Forever I've been lost in pain. But the masquerade is done by now! I have fulfilled my call Father, I've been sinning as well Wearing the face of Jesus to forgive myself. Father, please let me know, have I done wrong? Once and for all I feel whole again. The masquerade is done! The end of a holy war. I'm no longer astray. Forever I've been lost in pain. But the masquerade is done by now! I have fulfilled my call The masquerade is done! The end of a holy war. I'm no longer astray. Forever I've been lost in pain. But the masquerade is done by now! I have fulfilled my call Father, I have finally triumphed over evil By erasing a bloodline infected by it. My own bloodline... One by one I watched them die! Seeing their eyes filled with fear And wonder while slowly leaving This life as we know it. How can you be sure the bloodline is evil? Sounds like your own sick delusion... Like a twisted excuse for murder. And if you are going to end the bloodline, What about yourself then? Well...