作词 : 闻轼 作曲 : 安德烈菠萝包 策划Project Staff:闻轼 作词lyrics:闻轼 作曲composer:安德烈菠萝包 编曲Song Arrangement:洛劫 演唱Singer:知性的小方块 后期Audio Mixing:奶妈月 沙画Sand painting:光影沙画工作室 海报Poster:年 鸣谢Acknowledgements:七七 在一个叫做梦境的地方 n a place called dreamland 有一间小小的木屋 There is a small wooden house 就在小木屋的身旁 Right next to the cabin 有彩旗飘扬 The colorful flags were fluttering 这里有葱郁的森林 There are lush forests here 这里有清澈的河塘 There are clear ponds here 还有永不落的彩虹 And a rainbow that never falls 挂在屋顶上 It hangs on the roof 就在小木屋的后面 It's behind the cabin 有两亩金色的小田 Two acres of golden fields 种满了好多的梦想 Lots of dreams 馥郁着芬芳 Fragrance charming 有鸟儿伴着我歌唱 Birds sang to me 有狗儿陪在我身旁 With a dog by my side 陪我看落日的晚霞 Watch the sunset with me 和那晨曦的光 And the light of dawn 这里宁静与祥和 It was quiet and peaceful 这里自由与欢乐 Freedom and joy 这里有七色的花朵 There are seven colors of flowers here 开满了愿望 Be bursting with desire 这里有葱郁的森林 There are lush forests here 这里有清澈的河塘 There are clear ponds here 还有永不落的彩虹 And a rainbow that never falls 挂在屋顶上 It hangs on the roof 就在小木屋的后面 It's behind the cabin 有两亩金色的小田 Two acres of golden fields 种满了好多的梦想 Lots of dreams 馥郁着芬芳 Fragrance charming 有鸟儿伴着我歌唱 Birds sang to me 有狗儿陪在我身旁 With a dog by my side 陪我看落日的晚霞 Watch the sunset with me 和那晨曦的光 And the light of dawn 这里宁静与祥和 It was quiet and peaceful 这里自由与欢乐 Freedom and joy 这里有七色的花朵 There are seven colors of flowers here 开满了愿望 Be bursting with desire