this is it, my one shot at the big time, better make it count, stand up and be heard, cause i know if the radio plays this song all the kids will buy it and MAKE ME A WEALTHY MA N AND i won't be cool anymore. i've been doing this for the last twelve years, through all the times when no one cared. now everybody wants a piece of me, sign on the dotted line, make what's theirs is mine. it'll make you rich you'll see and there's a million more just like me. i don't care what's cool anymore, who am i to say if you can't make that decision on your own then you're pretty ****ing dumb anyway. generation, no motivation, INSTANTAIN IOUS GRATI FICATION, remote controls and mtv, a generation that hypnotized lulled by repetitious lies. spoonfed all of their corporate pro-gramming. WELL i'm not a one hit wonder looking to get rich. i'm not trying to sell out my songs. i was here before they exploited this scene and i'll be here when they're dead and ****ing gone WHATS COOL ANY MORE I DONT KNOW WHATS COOL ANY MORE I DONT CARE I DONT FUC KIN CARE............................!