作词 : Thando Ntholi 作曲 : Thando Ntholi [Verse 1] Ang'sakhoni mina k'lamalang' Ng'phuz' utshwala ngath' Ang'na ndab' futh' ang'na k'sas' Bath' ekhaya ng'yabahlambalaz' I can barely cope even Pearly knows I'm an angry ingakho ng'celi nkos' Where my daddy go ng'zam' uk'check i coast Damn! Lomhlaba very cold Hutsle for bread lan' ufeli loaf Bese sik'mbathi nhlabath' All black ngath' ezam' iBhaka Guns bang ngath' iMarikana, Cleva thathi cover Underpressure z'yaphush' ezam' iy'ntanga I can't bear to see my mommy suffer sebenz' i Afrikaaner, Tell me why s'ngakhon' uk'bambisana Bathi ng'qini dolo, Simo sib'cayi ngapha s'dingi togo S'phushi piki foshol, ePalamende k'dliwiy' biliboco I can't sleep angib'thint' ub'thongo Suicidal thoughts nah mar' impil' ingcono Sippin' on brown liqour I was lost but then I found Jesus The game is rough leave you out injured That's a foul niggas Indaba n'bhampa too much, N'hlala n'khuzwa Mas'loko thina sphanda phusha Sona le Smogolo, Thank God ang'nali dokodo And ak'so keni leko bhokosong S'phila nge skolodo ukuth' l'hlez' l'gcwel' ipokoto No excuse for abuse hloniph' imbokodo [Verse 2] Indlel' ibuzwa kwabadal' Mang'vuka nguqa ng'yathandaz', For le thuba lanamhlanj' Indaba zimb' k'thunjwa labantwan' Everyday sgubha lamancwab' Kodw' uk'khal' ak'sizi mama bekezela Indlel' inamev' sizonyamezela Size nathi s'fike ngaphesheya We in hell ngapha, umlil' uyabhebhetheka I'm from the dirt mina bheki ntsila God protect ngoba z'gcwel' izitha From the curse nama khemi Jesus Cause lomhlaba can be very lethal Uk'shiyu manikiniki k'bhidliki mizi Ngaph' intsimb' i busy Ikhiph' iy'gidi Yenzi sphithiphithi K'mele s'qini sbindi I feel the weight on my shoulders Still they hate lamaqola And I see them snakes on the long grass With the gang at the corner