作词 : 毛小平 作曲 : 张凯 有一种生活There is a kind of life 你是否经历过Have you ever experienced 有一种艰辛There is a kind of hardship 你是否体验过Have you ever experienced 有一种真情Have a sincere feeling 你是否拥有过Have you ever owned it 有一种纯粹There is a kind of innocence 你是否感受过Have you ever felt it 不求名利Not seeking fame and wealth 不求功德Not seeking Merits 我们是大海中的浪花一朵We are a spray in the sea 无怨无悔No complaints, no regrets 发光发热Luminous heating 哪里需要帮助 哪里有我 哪里有我I show up when others need help. 没有驰骋沙场的豪迈A feat without battlefield 没有霓虹灯下的赞歌No hymns or applause 平凡中默默坚守奉献Stick to the devotion silently in the ordinary 点滴中收获成长快乐Harvest and grow happily in dribs and drabs 不求名利Not seeking fame and wealth 不求功德Not seeking Merits 我们是大海中的浪花一朵We are a spray in the sea 无怨无悔No complaints, no regrets 发光发热Luminous heating 哪里需要帮助 哪里有我I show up when others need help. 我们是光荣的志愿者We are honorable volunteers. 翻译:毛小平Translator:Mao Xiao ping 发行:三咖音乐