作词 : Vagary 作曲 : 云倾少 大梦非梦 【云水谈出品】 制作人/作曲/编曲/混音:云倾少 作词:Vagary 歌手:水一 电吉他手:Scott Kavo & Nazo Nazarian 歌词翻译:章士铠 封面制作:折酿 海报题字:顾辞夏 视频剪辑:Hannah Hu 特别感谢Meghann O'Neill和Simone East的音乐指导,鸣广陌的logo题字 【文案】 痛苦可否救赎? 代价如何交换。 心甘情愿花光整整十年,等到陪那些从灰烬中站起的背影,在铁与血与火之间,凝望星辰的碎片。 英雄的掌心空空,而荣光从未向晚。 当传奇背书伏笔,谋篇自创世发轫,逆转于绝望开端——此夜,终局之战。 大梦非梦,此梦无边。 这是你与我与他与更多人,与时空与光阴与情感,与悸动与泪水与誓言——与这个世界的,十年。 多谢诸君,将梦想带来这世间。 【歌词】 把命运星宿拨转到 被预言时空 Turn the constellation of fate to the space of prophecy 从灰烬吹出一抹红 照有始有终 The light of the flickering fire rises from the ashes as the end and beginning circulates 这一夜盼你归来 含泪相拥 As I long for your return this night to embrace me with tears 若我离去 或也是种重逢 Or if I shall leave, should that be considered as a reunion? 我也曾彷徨无从 一醒来撞入岁月层层暗涌 I once hesitated, but now I awake to be smashed by the darkness of the time (时常)想低头忐忑问一声 I often dare questioned (这样)软弱惶恐是否也配做英雄 If I am such weak and afraid, do I deserve to be the hero? 而试炼来势汹汹 猝不及防打碎栖身的平庸 The trials are challenging, as my mediocre body begins to shatter (也许)自卑仍会如影随形 Perhaps I still feel self-abased (别忘)所有恢弘都生于籍籍无名 But remember all greatness starts from nothingness 其实我伤口还会痛 失去还动容 Indeed the wound still causes pain, as we still morns the lost 索性就放胆燃一程 来激荡苍穹 Simply just it burn, let the universe feel the explosion 并非这世界值得一再 效忠 I am not doing it for the world 怎奈心跳 婉拒遗憾簇拥 But I wish not to live with regret 曾失去过的种种 相爱的人和一起畅游的星 To everything I lost, to my love and the stars we've travelled to (希望)这一刻听来太嘲讽 Hoping this right now doesn't sound too sarcastic (究竟)还有什么令我们与众不同 In the end, what makes us different? 当传说睡入坟茔 神与神话只剩下书中幻影 When legends are gone with their legacy, and gods and myths exist only within the pages (就算)未来被蹂躏成注定 Even if future is set in stone (仍有)落幕黄昏共血色掀开黎明 There will still be blood dawn. (solo) 打碎摇荡的天平 舍身扑火共命运匆匆捕风 Breaking the balance slamming against fire and the wind (此刻)歧路与退路全尘封 Right now there will be no retreat (再把)与生俱来代价都一一付清 And repay the debt of our incarnation 让背影照亮虚空 亿万追忆在宇宙签下姓名 Let the shadow become the void, let the memories be scattered amongst the stars (荣幸)这一路曾并肩前冲 It is my honour to have been by your side (成全)所有不期而遇的英雄之梦 Fulfilled all my unexpected dream of being a hero